- MemberAudit Checker also shows if all Chars registred.
- Python Support 3.8, 3.9
- Use AA's native API to generate character portraits - Pre Commit Update
- Widget order priority to 5, so the widget always is below the character widgets that come native with Alliance Auth and can be re-arranged with other priority 5 widgets by changing their app position in the `INSTALLED_APPS` list
- Permission check. Only show the widget if the user has permissions to view the Member Audit app
- Widget Bootstrap classes - Use common widget title template - Use the actual name for Member Audit
- Use app-specific tooltip trigger to prevent unwanted interaction with the Bootstrap default trigger and potentially crash the JS framework - Let Bootstrap decide where to position the tooltips to prevent unwanted scrollbars and possibly cut-off tooltips - JS modernized - All strings are now translatable - Replaced an unnecessary `br` with a Bootstrao class - Better widget title
- Unnecessary `div` construct around the table - Unnecessary Django template tags - Unnecessary JS variable - Unnecessary Bootstrap classes - Unnecessary font color as it was not readable in a lot of the Bootstrap themes