But it may be easier to do this through the
[GitHub web interface](https://github.com/ActivitySim/activitysim/releases/new),
where you can select the tag you just created and add a title and description.
Both the interactive command line tool shown above and the web interface include
the ability to create release notes automatically from the commit messages of
all accepted PRs since the last release, but you may want to add additional
notes to the release to highlight important changes or new features.
The process of creating and tagging a release will automatically
trigger various GitHub Actions scripts to build, test, and publish the
new release to PyPI and conda forge, assuming there are no errors.
00. Build the ActivitySim Standalone Windows Installer. This is done using
GitHub Actions, but it is not done automatically when a release is created,
instead it requires a manual workflow dispatch trigger. You can do this by
going to the [build_installer workflow page](https://github.com/ActivitySim/activitysim/actions/workflows/build_installer.yml)
and clicking on the "Run workflow" button. You will need to provide the
version number and choose to add the built installer to the release.
00. Clean up your workspace, including removing the Conda environment used for
testing (which will prevent you from accidentally using an old
environment when you should have a fresh up-to-date one next time).
conda deactivate
conda env remove -p ./TEMP-ASIM-DEV
- The 'run_list' key in settings.yaml is no longer supported.