
Latest version: v0.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 720896 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Latest Packages

* :tada:[.NET 3.0.0](
* :tada:[.NET Templating 1.3.2](
* :tada:[Android 2.8.4](

New Features
Following are implemented for AdaptiveCard parsing library
* 8058 Filtered Style
* 8056 table
* 8004 tooltip
* 8002 password style
* 7994 heading style
* 7990 action isEnabled
* 7989 action mode

Bug Fixes

.NET Templating
* 7578 Updated and cleaning serialization

* 7742 Set Default language to Fact in FactSet Element
* 8072 Calculate width for HorizontalFlowLayout
* 8025 TextBlocks should not receive focus when they are the only item for selectAction
* 8073 Strengthen TalkBack enabled check for TextBlock focus
* 7967 Markdown Fix

Breaking Changes


Latest Packages

* :tada:[iOS 2.8.8](

Bug Fixes
* 7903
* 7960
* 7605
* 7563
* 7985
* 8008

Breaking Changes

This is a npmjs packages only release.


Latest Packages

* :tada:[JS Templating 2.3.0-beta.0](

New Features

JS Templating
Card author can now supply an additional data object, `$host`, to the `EvaluationContext`.
Expose the adaptivecards-templating library version by adding a variable `$_acTemplateVersion` that can be accessed in the card payload.
Template.getLastTemplateExpansionWarnings() will retrieve an array of warnings that have occurred while expanding the template. Callers can use this to confirm that no warnings have been raised during expansion and investigate warnings that did occur.

Breaking Changes

JS Templating
* `$when` conditions default to `false` if the given string cannot be evaluated. Errors are no longer raised in this scenario. (


Latest Packages

* :tada:[.NET Templating 1.3.1](

This release contains bug fixes.

New Features

.NET Templating

Bug Fixes

.NET Templating


Latest Packages

* :tada:[.NET Templating 1.3.0](
* :tada:[iOS 2.8.6](

This release contains bug fixes.

New Features

.NET Templating
`AdaptiveCardTemplate.GetLastTemplateExpansionWarnings()` will retrieve an array of warnings that have occurred while expanding the template. Callers can use this to confirm that no warnings have been raised during expansion and investigate warnings that did occur.

Bug Fixes

.NET Templating


JS Templating
* To be published at the end of May

Breaking Changes

.NET Templating
* `$when` conditions default to `false` if the given string cannot be evaluated. Errors are no longer raised in this scenario.

Early beta release of `adaptivecards` NodeJS package

New features

New Adaptive Cards element: [`Carousel`](

Early sample cards can be found [here](

Breaking Changes
Consumers of this package must apply CSS from the packaged `adaptivecards-carousel.css` stylesheet or ingest the `adaptivecards-carousel.scss` Sass definitions.

Known Issues/upcoming changes
6739 - keyboard navigation issue with `Carousel`
6737 - Designer styles for "dark mode" hosts need to be updated for `Carousel`
6700 - move to using `addEventListener` for some eventing
6699 - parse warnings should be logged via the `SerializationContext` and not `console.warn`
6693 - reconcile `Carousel` styles with high contrast rendering


Latest Packages

* .NET
* :tada:[.NET Base Library 2.6.0](
* :tada:[.NET Templating 1.2.0](
* :tada:[WPF 2.6.0](
* :tada:[WPF XCeed 2.6.0](
* :tada:[HTML 2.6.0](
* :tada:[UWP 2.6.0](
* :tada:[JavaScript 2.8.0](
* :tada:[Android 2.6.0](
* :tada:[iOS 2.6.0](

Smoke Test Notes
* Automated CI/CD on `release/21.02` branch
* Regression tests against:
- [v1.0\scenarios](
- [v1.1\scenarios](
- [v1.2\scenarios](
- [v1.3\scenarios](

What's new?

[Sample] Regex in InputFormWithLabels are incorrect 5333
[Samples][Accessibility] Update the templated and labelled versions of the ExpenseReport card to have more descriptive alttext 5410
[Samples] Update alttext on ExpenseReport expand collapse buttons to include more information 5387
[Site] Fix mobile tabindex 5426
[Site] Display action item text at lower screen widths 5420
[Site] Update header structure on homepage to make more sense 5418
[Site] Emit status messages on copy button invoke 5417
[Site] Make code blocks keyboard focusable 5413
[Site] Emit samples list with aria attributes 5409
[Site] Mark current header page with aria-current 5408
[Site] Fix sample selection indicator in high contrast 5393
[Site] Mark space-only items as role="presentation" 5379
[Site] Add more descriptive label to the "Read more" blog link 5377
[Site] Update role for "Try it yourself" button 5376
[Site][Accessibility] Update link indicators to underline on hover 5374

[Designer] Fix broken media query 5437
[Designer][Accessibility] Allow disabled button focus in toolbar 5425
[Designer][Accessibility] Group Card Elements sections with label for accessibility 5405
[Designer][Accessibility] Restore focus after data binding a property 5401
[Designer] [Designer] Add "Remove" accessible title to peer buttons 5375
[Accessibility] Add aria-labels to the data binding buttons in the designer 5419 5434

[JS] Column separators not rendering properly 5455
[JavaScript][Action.Submit associatedInputs property values are case sensitive] 5260
[JS] Multiline Input.Text elements should stretch when height is set to stretch 4097
[JS] Fix some accessibility issues 5394
[JS] Fix dropdown control and host container high contrast 5359

Support for Antlr4 version 4.8.0 5225
[.NET] Support for White Space characters in Markdown 5351
[.NET][Input Validation] Input.Number floating point support 5308
[WPF] Update Xceed license Bug Platform-.NET 4339

[Shared][Input Validation] Input.Number floating point support 5278
[Android] Action iconUrl sizing incorrect when using ResourceResolver 5431

[Shared][Input Validation] Input.Number floating point support 5278
[iOS] Multiline Input.Text elements should stretch when height is set to stretch CiscoWebEx-Integration 5348
[iOS][Rendering] There's no way to get additional properties from ACOAdaptiveCard 5303
[iOS][Rendering] Column width is ignored, generates auto layout errors 5269
[iOS][Framework] [Container's backgroundImage renders incorrectly on iOS with Cover fillMode] 5263
[iOS][Sample App Update] Append AdaptiveCards 3704
[iOS] Crash on iOS 13 when TextBlock includes an ampersand ("&") 5428
[iOS][Extensibility] Non-existent custom properties are sent as "null" 5244

[Shared][Input Validation] Input.Number floating point support 5278
[UWP][Input Validation] Input.Number floating point support 5309

Known Issues
[Android] Input.Time and Input.Date require double tap for system picker 5463
[.NET] Agenda card column with backgroundImage not showing 5462
[UWP] Number less than the min returned in Input.Number when user input is more than double precision 5452


Latest Packages

* .NET
* :tada:[.NET Base Library 2.5.0](
* :tada:[WPF 2.5.0](
* :tada:[WPF XCeed 2.5.0](
* :tada:[HTML 2.5.0](
* :tada:[UWP 2.5.0](
* :tada:[JavaScript 2.7.0](
* :tada:[Android 2.5.0](
* :tada:[iOS 2.5.0](

Smoke Test Notes
* Automated CI/CD on `release/21.01` branch
* Regression tests against:
- [v1.0\scenarios](
- [v1.1\scenarios](
- [v1.2\scenarios](
- [v1.3\scenarios](

What's new?

[JavsScript ] Required Input validation not working properly on "Input Form with Labels" sample 5201
[SmokeTest][Sample][Accessibility] Hard to read text in the Solitaire.json sample for BotFramework host config 5182
Pic2card on official website 4708
[Samples] Add alt text to restaurant template 5265
[Samples] Update input ids to be more descriptive to avoid dups 5246
[Site] Remove github button 5264
[Site] Fix keyboard accessibility for video modal 5255
[Site] Make Feedback button appear as link for accessibility 5254
[Site] Fix a couple typos 5318

Designer versioning tweaks + README updates 5340
[Accessibility] Set aria-labelledby for Element Properties inputs in the designer 5277
[Designer] Collapse toolbox on ESC 5256
[Accessibility][Designer] Label the TryNow button with the descriptive text 5257
[Accessibility] Increase contrast in "Try Now" and "NEW PREVIEW" buttons 5262
[Designer] Update role and aria for toolbar dropdown menus 5247
Pic2card Designer Integration 4893

[Javascript][Renderer] [TextBlock not well handle maxLines that clips the text at wrong position] 5315
[Adaptive Card-UI][Text Block] Ellipses do not appear in Text Block when text length exceeds the limit set by "maxLines" and "wrap" = "true" 5302
[JavaScript][Input.ChoiceSet] [If no choices are selected on a multi-selection ChoiceSet a JavaScript error is raised when clicking on a Action.Submit button] 5249
[JS][Templating] Template engine broken after change in AEL 5100
[Javascript] Adaptive card doesn't works in IE 4855
[JS] Markdown headings clipped 4847
[JS] Focus media element after it's inserted 5258
[JS] Updated node dependencies 5245

[Accessibility] Narrator is not reading the selection action title for the Rich Text Block 4856
[.Net HTML][IgnoreDefaultStringEnumConverter] [NullReferenceException] 4831
[.NET Renderer][Performance] Calling Visit on AdaptiveVisitor and passing in an AdaptiveToggleVisibilityAction causes an infinite loop. 4164
[.NET] Add support for choiceSet placeholders to WPF Xceed renderer 5231
[NET] Consume Microsoft.MarkedNet package 5232
[NET] Fix up PackageReferences to reflect our requirements 5230

[Android] Preserve host-provided Action icons 5285
[Android][Accessibility] Access Date/Time picker with Enter key 5319

[iOS][Framework] Crash when changing ACRButton.iconView.image 5280
[iOS][Build script error] [Latest release binary is incompatible with Xcode 11] 5236
[iOS][Input.Date] [Date picker is not properly visible and getting squeezed] 5235
[iOS][Package Management] XCFramework support 5171
[iOS][custom actions] [selectAction/inlineAction does not support custom actions] 5133
[iOS][Image Rendering] Few images breaks when framework is built with Optimizations 5096
[iOS][UI] [Action/Button is not visible when it's title text is long] 4739
updated width of the card for sample app 5335
[iOS][Action Rendering] Allow for text wrapping in Action buttons 4107
[iOS] size "stretch" doesn't stretch image 4353
[iOS][UI] [Image size or height setting doesn't reflect correctly as desktop view] 3677

[UWP] Toggles not working correctly in expense report card 5331
[UWP] Crash when choosing view from Activity Update card 5330
[Accessibility] Narrator is not reading the selection action title for the Rich Text Block 4856

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