Now with Linux support!
- The figure will be copied to the clipboard as a PNG, regardless of `matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.format']`.
- Requires either Qt or GTK libraries for clipboard interaction. Automatically detects which is being used from `matplotlib.get_backend()`.
- Qt support requires `PyQt5` or `PySide2`.
- GTK support requires `pycairo`, `PyGObject` and `PIL`/`pillow` to be installed.
- While Qt and GTK are both supported, they each have different requirements. As such, those requirements will not be automatically installed along with the `addcopyfighandler` module.
Improved application compatibility on Windows (optionally uses Pillow)
- If Pillow is installed, all non-SVG format specifiers will be overridden and the figure will be copied to the clipboard as a Device-Independant Bitmap.
- If Pillow is not installed, the supported format specifiers are `'png'`, `'jpg'`, `'jpeg'` and `'svg'`. All other format specifiers will be overridden and the figure will be copied to the clipboard as PNG data.
SVG support on Windows
- If `matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.format']` is `'svg'`, the figure will be copied to the clipboard as an SVG.
- Alas, SVG output is not currently supported on Linux. Pull requests that enable SVG support there would be welcomed.