Bugfixes: * Silenced nltk downloads * Updated to pillow 11.0.0
- Bugfix in text analysis - Now printing full message when an error comes from the API
- Bug fixes in the text processing - Bug fixes and updates in the Dash app
- Switched topic modeling from gensim to scikit-learn's LDA - Added additional metrics for evaluating LDA: perplexity, log-likelihood and jaccard similarity - Removed the WordCloud - Other small fixes
- Added an image deduplication function - Bugfixes when accessing the Ad Library API related to rate limiting - Added more detailed printing of caught exceptions - Added more validation for ad delivery dates and number of media do download - Tested AdDownloader on MacOS successfully
- the CLI transitioned from _PyInquirer_ to _Inquirer3_ - AdDownloader now also works on Python 3.10 and 3.11