**Notable changes**
- New CLI command syntax, run `adles --help` for details or checkout the Usage section in the README
- Consolidated the vSphere helper scripts (e.g. `vm-power`) into a single command, `vsphere` . For usage, run `vsphere --help`.
- **ADLES now requires Python 3.6+**. It is included or easily installable on any modern Linux distribution, Windows, and OSX.
- The CLI can now be invoked a Python module (e.g. `python -m adles`, `python -m adles.vsphere`)
- Added two new specification fields to all spec types: `spec-type` and `spec-version`
- New argument: `--syslog`. Configures saving of log output to the specified Syslog server.
- Added progress bars to the cloning, power, and snapshot vSphere helper commands
- Support the `NO_COLOR` environment variable (per [no-color.org](https://no-color.org/))
- New dependencies: [tqdm](https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm) and [humanfriendly](https://pypi.org/project/humanfriendly/)
- Debian package (See the [GitHub releases page](https://github.com/GhostofGoes/ADLES/releases))
- Failing to import an optional dependency will now log an error instead
of raising an exception and terminating execution.
- Logs will not longer emit to a syslog server by default.
Syslog server will now only be used if the parameter is set.
- Behind the scenes changes to commandline argument parsing that will
make adding future functionality easier and enable usage of other
third-party libraries that use `argparse`.
- Lots of code cleanup and formatting
- Bumped dependency versions
- Various other minor changes, see the Git pull request diff for all the changes
- Dropped support for Python < 3.6
- Removed `Libvirt` and `HyperV` interfaces
- Removed dependency: `netaddr`
- Added Tox for test running and linting
- Added `.editorconfig`
- Added `.gitattributes`
- Reorganized some documentation
- Removed CodeClimate
- Moved the remaining examples in the project root into `examples/`
- Added unit tests to Travis CI