This release contains improvements and fixes, including those suggested by peer reviewers for our ADMET-AI paper (thank you reviewers!). Below is a non-exhaustive list of changes.
* Changing radar plot toxicity from the max across all toxicity endpoints to just the ClinTox toxicity for ease of interpretability
* Adding scripts to the local version of ADMET-AI to generate radar plots and DrugBank reference scatter plots
* Fixing dependencies (e.g., Chemprop==1.6.1 due to incompatibility with Chemprop version 2)
* UI improvements to the website, including the version number and links to the Valence blog post and to the code on GitHub
* Adding species information for each ADMET endpoint on the website
* Clipping infeasible values on the website (e.g., half life < 0 hours)
Release to trigger a Zenodo DOI creation