* Switched the MAFFT algorithm in 'multalign' from L-INS-i to E-INS-i.
* 'remove_rrna' is now more robust to failed subassemblies and datasets that
contain no ribosomal RNA.
* 'remove_rrna' now excludes only the reads that map to the exemplar rRNA
sequences, instead of to all sequences in the rRNA subassembly. The exmplar
sequences and any rRNA transcripts identified in 'postassemble' are concatenated
into a single rRNA file in the 'postassemble' report. (112)
* Standardized all calls to GNU parallel so that they write out a progress log,
halt on any errors, and rerun failed commands when the pipeline is restarted.
* The 'supermatrix' pipeline now runs on a single multiple alignment of either
nucleotides or amino acids (instead of both at once) and provides a more detailed
report. (54)
* Switched the build system from GNU autotools to Python distutils. Agalma can
now be installed with pip, the Python package manager. (97)
* The 'randomize' stage was removed from 'sanitize' because it requires too much
memory for large datasets. (118)
* A new pipeline 'speciestree' replaces the second call to the 'genetree'
pipeline to build a maximum-likelihood tree from the final supermatrix. It
supports running RAxML with MPI. The Newick tree is included in a textbox in
the report. (104, 115)
* 'postassemble' now annotates assemblies by blasting the translations against
swissprot with blastp. (114)
* A new regression test is autogenerated from the tutorial. (93)
* Sequences loaded into the Agalma database are classified by genome type
(nuclear, mitochonrdial, plastid) and molecule type (protein-coding, large and
small ribosomal). (106, 117)
* Agalma now includes its own build of the swissprot blast database, with the
organelle field (OG) in the description for idenfitying mitochondrial and
plastid sequences. (3, 106)
* Added a sample batch script that shows how to perform a self-contained
transcriptome assembly on the Oscar compute cluster at Brown.
* Fixed bugs in 'remove_rrna' that caused it to fail when no rRNA is present in
the sample.
* Transitioned over to a new organization of wrappers and workflows in BioLite.
Removed a shim library that was used for resource reporting on older versions
of Linux. (107)
* New 'expression' pipeline maps reads to an assembly and estimates counts.
Additional functionality is planned for the 0.5 release. (69)
* Fixed a problem when relative paths were passed as arguments to Agalma
pipelines. (96)
* All stages of the assemblies are now written to the data directory instead of
scratch. (95)