
Latest version: v0.2.0

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- `Trip` coordinated now have to be WKT printable
- Speed is now stored internally in the original units (km, miles), another property `maxSpeedUnit` was added to `Edge` to store the unit type.
- `EventProcessor` in `provideTimeProvider` method mad nullable to support easier injection for scripts that does not need the simulation, but need the travel time providers. It should be reverted as soon as Issue 54 will be resolved.
- some `MoveUtil` static methods changed to instance methods (they need to be configurable)
- AIC maven repo is now accessed from https

- `Trip` WKT export
- support for measured speed


- New York Map envelope added to default config
- prepare map script uncommented to be ready for new users
- `AstarShortestPathPlanner` concurrency bug fixed
- `EntityLayer`: concurrency bug related to entity position map fixed
- Bug fix in vehicle plan layer, it now correctly handles the cases when the vehicle just finished the move
- Python script for map preparation now creates the map dir if it not exists

- `Trip` refactoring
- new more systematic trip system, locations backed by array
- Trip ID moved to trip
- `JGraphT` version updated
- Dijkstra replaced by Astar in path planning
- `getEntityPositionInTime` and `drawEntityShape` methods in vehicle layer made public
- parent updated to 3.0.0
- `EdgeShape` members made private
- log format changed: package structure discarded
- not implemented exception in Lane class changed to our exception
- `DefaultVisioInitializer`
- constructor changed (unused networks and config discarded)
- centroid for initial view is now computed from GPS coordinate instead of the projected coordinates
- Guice version raised
- logback config removed to enable config in client projects
- Alite version raised to 2.1.0 SNAPSHOT

- vehicle highlighting by switching to static size
- `VisioUtils.printTextWithBackgroud` method now has a transparency option
- Not implemented exception class
- ResourceReader.getAbsoultePathToResource method
- new sample config file for Plzen

- old script for preparing map. Current script for the same purpose is agentpolis/


- `DelayData` are now deleted after each `Move` action, preventing some bugs related to expected travel time
- concurrency exceptions related `EtityLayer.entityPositionMap` fixed
- `VisioPositionUtil.getPositionInterpolatedInTime` method now handle the case where the vehicle just finished the move action

- start of the semantic versioning
- `wayId` in `SimulationEdge` renamed to `staticId` and changed from `long` to `BigInteger`
- `edge.length` is now used everywhere, instead of `edge.shape.length`
- all durations are now computed in MoveUtil
- posted speed is now in kmh
- all properties related to edge length converted to integers, with the cm precision. All related methods renamed to
prevent confusion.
- map simplification turned off as it is done in preprocessing
- `Benchmark` class is now thread-safe
- changed versins of all AIC dependencies, check Alite, Geographtools and Graph Importer projects changelogs for changes

- python package initialization: all python code is now in an `agentpolis` python module. One of the advantages of the
new setup is the easier installation process.
- map preparation script that depend on roadmaptools
- integer `index` property added to `SimulationNode` to enable language independent random access to nodes. Index to
node mapping can be plugged in anywhere injecting the `NodesMappedByIndex` class
- new `getLocationIndexes` and `printLocationIndexes` debug methods in `TripsUtil`
- `getRemainingTime` method added to `DelayData` class



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