:rocket: Features
* Introduce helper code from bluefruit, make typesafe and compliant with mypy (4) espenwest
:books: Documentation
* Introduce helper code from bluefruit, make typesafe and compliant with mypy (4) espenwest
:package: Dependencies
* Bump release to 1.0.1 (5) espenwest
* Bump setuptools from 65.6.0 to 65.6.1 (3) dependabot
* Introduce helper code from bluefruit, make typesafe and compliant with mypy (4) espenwest
* Bump nox from 2022.1.7 to 2022.11.21 in /.github/workflows (2) dependabot
* Bump poetry from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 in /.github/workflows (1) dependabot