This is a major release containing a number of new features, improvements, and bugfixes.
* scikit-learn compatible API for certain algorithms, metrics, and datasets
* Documentation layout was revamped to make it easier to navigate.
* New algorithm:
* Fairness Gerrymandering [(Kearns, et al., 2018)](
* New metrics:
* Differential Fairness [(Foulds, et al., 2018)](
* Rich Subgroup Fairness [(Kearns, et al., 2018)](
New Features/Improvements
* Optional dependencies may now be installed using the setuptools "extras" option: e.g., `pip install 'aif360[LFR,AdversarialDebiasing]'` or `pip install 'aif360[all]'`
* Added support for integrations with MLOps (Kubeflow and NiFi) and examples
* Added `scores` output to `AdversarialDebiasing.predict()` (139)
* Added a `subset()` method to `StructuredDataset` (140)
* Added new `MulticlassLabelDataset` to support basic multiclass problems (165)
* scikit-learn compatibility (134)
* EXPERIMENTAL: incomplete, contributions welcome
* 4 datasets (Adult, German, Bank, Compas) in DataFrame format with protected attributes in the index
* Automatically downloads from
* 6 group fairness metrics as functions (`statistical_parity_difference`, `disparate_impact_ratio`, `equal_opportunity_difference`, `average_odds_difference`, `average_odds_error`, `between_group_generalized_entropy_error`)
* 2 individual fairness metrics as functions (`generalized_entropy_index` and its variants, `consistency_score`)
* 5 additional metrics as functions (`specificity_score`, `base_rate`, `selection_rate`, `generalized_fpr`, `generalized_fnr`)
* `make_scorer` function to wrap metrics for use in sklearn cross-validation functions (174, 178)
* 3 algorithms (`Reweighing`, `AdversarialDebiasing`, `CalibratedEqualizedOdds`)
* Fixed deprecation warning/`NotImplementedError` in `StandardDataset` (115)
* Fixed age threshold in `GermanDataset` (129 and 137)
* Corrected privileged/unprivileged attribute values for COMPAS dataset in some demos (138)
* Fixed base rate computation in EqOddsPostprocessing (170)
* Improved warning messages when missing optional packages (170)
* Multiple documentation fixes (114, 124, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 170)
New Contributors
autoih, romeokienzler, jimbudarz, stephanNorsten, sethneel, imolloy, guillemarsan, gdequeiroz, chajath, bhavyaghai, Tomcli, swapna-somineni, chkoar, motapaolla