- Drop Python 3.5 support [[b6728f0c]](
- Add Python 3.9 and 3.10 support [[c48dc7a1]](
- Devops: add GitHub Actions workflow for continuous deployment [[6771fe7b]](
- Adopt PEP 621 and move fully to `pyproject.toml` for package build specification [[d5baf42c]](
- Move build of documentation directly on ReadTheDocs [[c246071c]](
- CI: update the pre-commit configuration, dropping `prospector`, adding `flynt` and `isort` [[ff82141e]](
- CI: update the GHA workflow, updating action dependencies and cleaning up unnecessary installs [[a11381be]](
- Dependencies: update requirements for `sphinx` and `jinja2` for the docs build [[e8f4c537]](