- Workflow stack has been updated with different inputs, a new set of workflows (v2) has been added and made as defaults.
- The parser framework has been simplified and integrated into a single module.
- `BuilderUpdater` system for quickly setting up calculation with pre-define default calculation/code specific parameters and remote job launching settings.
- Default python-AiiDA type conversion for process inputs
- Validation of workchain control parameters using `pydantic`
- No longer using `tox` for test running.
- Switched to `ruff` from `pylint` for faster linting.
**Notes for updating from v3.x.x to v4.x.x**
**Configuring the parsers**
The script for launching calculation should be updated. In particular, note that the new parser systems takes a
different format for the `parser_settings`.
Previously, this looks like:
parser_settings = {
"add_energies": True,
"add_forces": True,
"add_stress": True,
"add_bands": True,
"electronic_step_energies": True,
builder.settings = Dict({'parser_settings' : parser_settings})
Now, one should use:
parser_settings = {
include_node: ['energies', 'bands'],
'electronic_step_energies': True
builder.settings = Dict({'parser_settings' : parser_settings})
Getting energies
energies = node.outputs.arrays.get_array("energy_extrapolated")
forces = node.outputs.misc['forces']
The new parser system adapts a parse-if-exists principle with some quantities disabled by default, such as
the eigenvalues and electronic step energies. The `'include_node'` key in the `parser_settings` dictionary
allows to selectively enable output nodes.
This is because some output nodes are disabled by default, such as `'bands'` and `'dos'` and `'trajectory'`. This is because the underlying quantities exist in almost all calculations, but the output are only useful in specific cases.
Previously forces was stored in an `ArrayData` node with link name `forces`.
Now the last forces and stress are stored in `misc` node (`Dict`) which is **enabled by default**.
To obtain forces at every structure iteration, add `'trajectory'` to the `'include_node'` field in `parser_settings` as shown above.
**Controlling workchains**
The `VaspConvergenceWorkChain`, `VaspRelaxWorkChain` and `VaspBandsWorkChain` are controlled by special ports
`conv_settings`, `relax_settings` and `band_settings` respectively. These ports should be used to pass the
desired settings to the respective workchains.
Previously, each key is made a single input port, make these workchains takes a large amount of input nodes.
**Deploying workchains**
We now recommend using the `BuilderUpdater` system to quickly set up calculation with pre-define default calculation/code specific parameters and remote job launching settings.
The old approach was to use a dictionary or a `ProcessBuilder` object, which requires the user to explicitly specify all the required inputs.
While `BuilderUpdater` is a convenient way to quickly set up a calculation, it is not recommended to still
manually verify the inputs in case of unexpected behavior.
**Rerunning workchains**
The workchain nowentry points such as `vasp.vasp` now points to different workchains. Unfortunately,
this means that the `get_builder_restart` method no longer works.
**Calculation and workchain output**
There are a few notable changes to the calculation and workchain output
- The forces of the calculations are now included in the `misc` output under the key `forces`. This quantities is parsed and stored by default.
- The `arrays` output includes array-like quantities, such as `energy_extrapolated` of individual ionic steps (excluded by default).
- The key under which the quantities are stored inside the `ArrayData` node of the `arrays`, `dielectrics` may change. Please refer to the [code](src/aiida_vasp/parsers/vasp.py) for details.