- Added Python 3.10.* support - Dropped Sanic support - Fixed AIOHTTP support, 30
- Added `.timeit_task()`, `asyncio.create_task` like function that sends timing metric when the task finishes, 29 by aviramha - Added `threshold_ms` (Optional) to `.timeit()` for sending timing metric only when exceeds threshold, 27 by aviramha
- Added Python 3.9.* support - Fixed `.timeit()` in case of unhandled exceptions, 26
- Added configuration option to limit pending queue size. Can be configured by passing `pending_queue_size` named argument into `aiodogstatsd.Client` class. By default: `65536`, 24
- Added `connected`, `closing` and `disconnected` client properties. Can be used to check connection state of client, 23 - Bumped minimum required `Sanic` version, 23