- Checked compatibility with Python 3.13 (added to the CI/CD processes),
so now aiogram is totally compatible with it.
Dropped compatibility with Python 3.8 due to this version being `EOL <https://devguide.python.org/versions/>`_.
.. warning::
In some cases you will need to have the installed compiler (Rust or C++)
to install some of the dependencies to compile packages from source on `pip install` command.
- If you are using Windows, you will need to have the `Visual Studio <https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/>`_ installed.
- If you are using Linux, you will need to have the `build-essential` package installed.
- If you are using macOS, you will need to have the `Xcode <https://developer.apple.com/xcode/>`_ installed.
When developers of this dependencies will release new versions with precompiled wheels for Windows, Linux and macOS,
this action will not be necessary anymore until the next version of the Python interpreter.
`1589 <https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/issues/1589>`_
- Added business_connection_id to the :class:`aiogram.types.message.Message` API methods shortcuts.
Integrated the :code:`business_connection_id` attribute into various message manipulation methods,
ensuring consistent data handling. This update eliminates the need to pass the
:code:`business_connection_id` as a parameter,
instead directly accessing it from the instance attributes.
`1586 <https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/issues/1586>`_
- Add function ``get_value`` to all built-in storage implementations, ``FSMContext`` and ``SceneWizard``
`1431 <https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/issues/1431>`_
- Enhanced the inheritance of handlers and actions in :ref:`Scenes <Scenes>`.
Refactored to eliminate the copying of previously connected handlers and actions from parent scenes.
Now, handlers are dynamically rebuilt based on the current class, properly utilizing class inheritance and enabling handler overrides.
That's mean that you can now override handlers and actions in the child scene, instead of copying and duplicating them.
`1583 <https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/issues/1583>`_
- Added full support of `Bot API 7.11 <https://core.telegram.org/bots/api-changelog#october-31-2024>`_
- Added the class :class:`aiogram.types.copy_text_button.CopyTextButton`
and the field :code:`copy_text` in the class
allowing bots to send and receive inline buttons that copy arbitrary text.
- Added the parameter :code:`allow_paid_broadcast` to the methods
and :class:`aiogram.methods.copy_message.CopyMessage`.
- Added the class
for transactions related to paid broadcasted messages.
- Introduced the ability to add media to existing text messages using the method
- Added support for hashtag and cashtag entities with a specified chat username
that opens a search for the relevant tag within the specified chat.
`1601 <https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/issues/1601>`_
- Fix PytestDeprecationWarning thrown by pytest-asyncio when running the tests
`1584 <https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/issues/1584>`_
- Fixed customized serialization in the :class:`aiogram.filters.callback_data.CallbackData` factory.
From now UUID will have 32 bytes length instead of 36 bytes (with no `-` separators) in the callback data representation.
`1602 <https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/issues/1602>`_
Improved Documentation
- Add missing closing tag for bold.
`1599 <https://github.com/aiogram/aiogram/issues/1599>`_