What's Changed
* Drop millisecond precision from m_time, fix master updated events by loopj in https://github.com/loopj/aiovantage/pull/239
* Bump pyright from 1.1.393 to 1.1.394 by dependabot in https://github.com/loopj/aiovantage/pull/238
* Bump mkdocstrings from 0.28.0 to 0.28.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/loopj/aiovantage/pull/237
* Bump mkdocs-material from 9.6.3 to 9.6.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/loopj/aiovantage/pull/235
* Bump mkdocstrings-python from 1.14.6 to 1.16.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/loopj/aiovantage/pull/240
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/loopj/aiovantage/compare/0.20.0...0.21.0