* Made some major naming changes in preparation for an AIPY publication. These include
renaming aipy.ant to aipy.phs, aipy.sim to aipy.amp, aipy.loc to aipy.cal.
* Renamed BeamFlat to just plain Beam
* Changed the -l options (for "loc files") in scripting interfaces to -C (for "cal" files)
* Added support in scripting interface channel selection for constructions of the form
0_10_2, meaning channels 0 to 10 (including endpoints), counting by 2.
* Refactored code so source spectra are computed internally to RadioBodys, and are
accessed through the get_jys() method. Added an update_jys() method for computing
a source spectrum for specified frequencies without needing an AntennaArray object.
* Added a get_afreqs() method to AntennaArrays to elucidate the opaque incantation;
* Added a system support for adding source catalogs through src.py calling catalog
interfaces stored in the _srcs directory. Made the Helmboldt catalog the default
catalog that AIPY comes with (since it's pretty small and geared toward low frequencies).
* Added unit tests (in "test" directory) for the most-used modules, and will continue to
add them as other modules are revisited. There is also a script called
"script_battery.sh" that does basic exercising of most AIPY scripts.
* In Antennas, grouped delay/offset into an array called phsoff which is a phase
polynomial in frequency.
* Couple of bugfixes on how objects are updated (now made explicit with "update()"
methods) and fixed an array shape bug in Antenna.refract()
* Fixed a bug in filter_src.py where data were zeroed when a source is below the horizon.
* Transitioned all nomenclature from "Fringe-Rate" to "Delay-Rate" as per
Parsons & Backer (2009) in AJ.
* Changed how fit parameters are input in scripting module
* Bugfix for when resolution effects are taken into account in
* Bugfix in xrfi.py for flagging by integration
* Improved filtering in filter_src.py to use padding and optionally passband
* Added script srclist.py
* Added masking by wieght to plot_map.py