* Update package dependencies ([187](
* Fix bug when `n_dummy_reps=0` in worst case attack ([191](
* Add ability to save target model and data to `target.json` ([171](, [#175](, [#176](, [#177](
* Add safemodel SDC results to `target.json` and `attack_results.json` ([180](
* Add generalisation error to `target.json` ([183](
* Refactor attack argument handling ([174](
* Append attack outputs to a single results file ([173](
* Attack outputs written to specified folder ([208](
* Add ability to run membership inference attacks from the command line using config and target files ([182](
* Add ability to run attribute inference attacks from the command line using config and target files ([188](
* Add ability to run multiple attacks from a config file ([200](
* Add user story examples ([194](
* Improve attack formatter summary generation ([179](
* Attack formatter moves files generated for release into subfolders ([197](
* Fix a minor bug in the attack formatter ([204](
* Improve tests ([196](, [#199](