We invite you to browse the [AISP documentation](https://ais-package.github.io/) where you can find detailed information on how to use these classes.
Lançamento do **AISP** (Artificial Immune System Package) versão `0.1.33`. Na versão `0.1.x`, foram adicionadas classes que implementam algoritmos de seleção negativa binária e de valor real.
- O pacote foi refatorado com a adição do módulo `utils`, que centr
What's Changed
* Merge pull request 7 from AIS-Package/main by Joao-Paulo-Silva in https://github.com/AIS-Package/aisp/pull/8
* v0.1.33 by Joao-Paulo-Silva in https://github.com/AIS-Package/aisp/pull/9
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/AIS-Package/aisp/compare/v0.1.32...v0.1.33