Released February 2024
* The supported Python versions are now 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12. Support
for earlier Python versions is dropped.
* Introduced the :class:`~akismet.SyncClient` and :class:`~akismet.AsyncClient`
API client classes.
* The :class:`~akismet.SyncClient` and :class:`~akismet.AsyncClient` API client
classes support the ``X-akismet-pro-tip`` header, and expose the "discard"
header response by using the :class:`~akismet.CheckResponse` enum as the
return value of their comment-check operation.
* The :class:`~akismet.SyncClient` and :class:`~akismet.AsyncClient` API client
classes support the `activity
<https://akismet.com/developers/key-sites-activity/>`_ and `usage limit
<https://akismet.com/developers/usage-limit/>`_ methods of the Akismet v1.2
web API.
* **Deprecation:** The ``Akismet`` API client class is now deprecated, and will
be removed in 2025. Instantiating this class will issue a
:exc:`DeprecationWarning`. To discourage new uses of this class, its API
documentation has been removed; refer to its docstrings, or to documentation
for an earlier version of this module, if you continue to need documentation
for it. All users of the deprecated ``Akismet`` class are encouraged to
migrate as quickly as possible to one of the two new client classes, which
more fully implement the Akismet web API. The deprecated ``Akismet`` class
will receive no further features, and will only receive bugfixes if a
security issue is discovered.
* All of the API clients, including the deprecated ``Akismet`` class which
formerly used ``requests``, now use ``httpx`` internally as their default
HTTP client. This provides uniformity of interface, async support, and better
defaults (such as a default request timeout value). The default timeout is
now one second, but is configurable by setting the environment variable
``PYTHON_AKISMET_TIMEOUT`` to a :class:`float` or :class:`int` value
containing the desired timeout threshold in seconds.