- several bugs related to the analysis of 44,1 kHz files fixed. Thanks to
Tomasz Toczyski for reporting them.
- "growing pitch and merit vectors" bug in the peaks function from pYAAPT.py
- "Stop in Dynamic" exceptions in path1 function from pYAAPT.py removed. They
were inherited from the original MATLAB code, but apperently don't have a
real use or meaning.
- internal interpolation functions changed from spline to pchip in order to
keep the fidelity to the original MATLAB code and also to produce better
- "pchip" option added and set as default to the PitchObj method "upsample" in
pYAAPT.py. This interpolation method is favored over "spline" because
produces less horrible pitch spikes.
- "single sample upsample" bug in PitchObj method "upsample" from
pYAAPT.py fixed.
- support for stereo files added.
- documentation updated.