- [fpavogt, 2022-10-19] Add scipy to the list of required dependencies.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-19] The metarize routine now also computes the "fluffiness" of cloud layers.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Add option to use a percentage of the most recent measurements to derive the base altitude.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Add 3 new scientific validation cases.
- [fpavogt, 2023-08-11] Fix 18 (all matplotlib params are now strictly set in context).
- [fpavogt, 2023-07-07] Fix 95 (pylint 3.0 deprecation of epylinter).
- [fpavogt, 2023-07-03] Fix 98 (pkg_resources -> packaging in
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Fix 84 and 85.
- [fpavogt, 2023-07-26] Require layers to be at least 250ft appart before splitting a group.
- [fpavogt, 2023-07-13] Deployment of the new Issue form in YAML format (fixes 93).
- [fpavogt, 2023-07-07] Demo datasets are now stored as csv and not pkl (fixes 102).
- [fpavogt, 2022-12-16] Replace OKTA_LIM0 (OKTA_LIM8) with MIN_HITS_OKTA0 (MAX_HOLES_OKTA8) - fixes 92.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-20] Remove superfluous parameters from the default set.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Fluffiness is now computed via LOWESS instead of a Convex Hull.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Base level is now defined as a percentile of the total number of points.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Enable multiple min_sep_vals for the LAYERING step.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Cleanup pylint and error messages.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Use min/max+padding to assess if slices are overlapping, instead of mean+std.
- [fpavogt, 2022-10-18] Default value of OKTA_LIM8 is changed from 98 to 99.