- The axis keyword argument has been replaced (everywhere) in favour of ax, and axis will be removed completely in 0.4.0. This does not apply to t_axis which is unchanged. See 10 for rational.
- The Pcolormesh block now accepts 1D arrays (in addition to 2D) for x and y inputs.
Animation.timeline_slider now accepts a text argument to change the name of the slider.
- New blocks:
- Scatter for animating scatter plots. Capable of animating size and position of the points, but not yet the color.
- Update a block that accepts a generic function that takes a frame number. Good if another block doesn’t already exist for some tasks.
- Composition Blocks: These are functions that return a list of blocks (and maybe a timeline). These are in the blocks subpackage and can be identified by the _comp suffix.
- New (and very experimental) animations subpackage (well new to the public api). Contains some new convenice functions.
- vector_plot wraps Pcolormesh and Quiver to produce animated vector fields.
Bug Fixes
- Previously, an Animation with a timeline_slider, but no toggle would cause an error.
Breaking Changes
- The text argument to timeline_slider is now the first positional argument.
- The order of positional arguments for the Nuke block has changed. This was required to give the ax argument a default.
Developer Changes
- New animation unittesting framework
- Tests / doc building now runs on CircleCI.