<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at master -->
What's Changed
Other Changes
* Wrap the SDK in a main container `Archethic` by samuelmanzanera in https://github.com/archethic-foundation/libjs/pull/82
* Add varint for token_id by Neylix in https://github.com/archethic-foundation/libjs/pull/83
* Support ESM/CJS modules for the lib by samuelmanzanera in https://github.com/archethic-foundation/libjs/pull/84
* Handle token's decimals property by Neylix in https://github.com/archethic-foundation/libjs/pull/86
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/archethic-foundation/libjs/compare/v1.12.1...v1.13.0