- Added possibility to use tagged value 'icon' on actions to manage the icon_expr.
- Added Tagged value 'icon' available for workflow transition.
- Added a disable_increment_profile_vernum tagged value.
If it is True, version number in metadata.xml is not upgraded at each generation.
- Add icons metadata files.
- Use png as default icons.
If folder_icon or document_icon is set as content_icon, do not copy it.
- Allow multiple worlkflows.
If many workflows are embedded with class, each workflow is binded in workflows.xml.
'use_workflow' attribute adds a workflow to embedded workflows.
- Abstract class have no workflow binding.
- Import Column classes with DataGridField.
- Added a protected section in workflows definition.xml.
- View action is always ${object_url}/view, otherwise select layout doesn't
work anymore.
- When we add content_icon with null value on a class, icon expr is empty.
- Add Site Administrator to ignored extra roles if plone >= 4.1.
- Default plone target version is 4.1.
It's easier to change default version.
- Fixed configure.zcml core section protection.
- Now, manage formats of generic setup version number as n, n1.n2,
and not only n1.n2.n3.
- If plone_target_version tagged-value is set to 4.0 or 4.1, then generate
icon_expr instead of content_icon for FTIs.
- Add a protected FOOT section in type.xml.
- Add vocabulary_factory tagged value.
- Avoid deprecated import warning under Zope 2.13+.
- Fixed inconstancy between template name and portlet class by removing .pt in the generation
- Added method generation for portlet class.
The portlet class will look like the classic portlet.