What's Changed
* feat: replace argparse with click based CLI by Barabazs in https://github.com/Barabazs/archivooor/pull/16
* feat: replace python-dotenv with keyring by Barabazs in https://github.com/Barabazs/archivooor/pull/17
* fix: update archivooor CLI entry point by Barabazs in https://github.com/Barabazs/archivooor/pull/18
* fix: typo by Barabazs in https://github.com/Barabazs/archivooor/pull/19
* feat: implement gh action for running basic tests by Barabazs in https://github.com/Barabazs/archivooor/pull/20
* refactor: raise custom exception in get_user_status_request by Barabazs in https://github.com/Barabazs/archivooor/pull/21
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Barabazs/archivooor/compare/v0.0.5...v0.0.6