- **DEPRECATION:** ``BasicRenderModelBackend`` is now ``BasicLayoutBackend``
The new name better reflects the Armstrong component and its purpose.
The "render_model" name is more of a template tag implementation detail.
``ARMSTRONG_LAYOUT_BACKEND``. The new setting better indicates which
Armstrong component it belongs to.
- New ``ModelProvidedLayoutBackend`` that allows models to specify their own
template lookup by implementing ``get_layout_template_name()``.
- Provide model mixins for use with the new backend that handle common
scenarios such as template lookup using the model's slug, full_slug or type.
- ``render_model`` template tag now accepts ``with`` and ``only`` arguments,
which work exactly as they do in Django's own include_ template tag.
- Refactored three template tags using Django's simple_tag_ decorator.
- Vast test refactor.
.. _include: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/ref/templates/builtins/include
.. _simple_tag: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/howto/custom-template-tags/django.template.Library.simple_tag