- Support for Django 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
- **DEPRECATION:** deprecate ``SectionTreeAdminMixin``. Use the MPTT fields
TreeForeignKey/TreeOneToOneField/TreeManyToManyField explicitly on the model.
- **DEPRECATION:** ``get_query_set()`` will be removed for Django 1.6+ in
ArmSections 2.0. Follow Django's paradigm and use ``get_queryset()`` instead.
- New ``BaseSection`` abstract model for easier subclassing
- Section ``slug`` length is now 200 characters (up from 50)
- Section ``full_slug`` is now unique, which is how we always treated it anyway
- Improved default Section ordering (by title instead of random)
- South migrations are moved to ``south_migrations/`` and older Django's should
upgrade to South 1.0
- Use Setuptools and pkg_resources for namespacing
- Development: use ArmDev 2.0
- Development: added Tox testing config
- Stop shipping tests and move them out of the component module
- Test and coverage improvements