> This release only contains linux binaries. I am still working on getting CI/Build working for other platforms. Stay tuned!
Artifact is the simple, linkable and trackable design documentation tool for everybody. It allows anyone to write and link their design documents both to each other and to source code, making it easy to know how complete their project is. Documents are revision controllable, can be edited in the browser and have a full suite of command line tools for searching, displaying, checking, exporting and formatting them.
For more information on artifact, see the [project homepage](https://github.com/vitiral/artifact)
This release marks a major milestone for artifact, mainly a **complete rewrite** of both the backend and frontend of the tool. Notably, the frontend was rewritten from elm -> rust (using Yew).
New features from 1.0 (non beta):
- Graphviz graphs in the Web UI
- Sub artifacts (`[[.subart]]` in text that can then be implemented in code)
- Sub test artifacts (`[[.tst-subart]]` that contribute to spc% and tst%)
- Fewer restrictions: you can link TST -> REQ now
- Markdown format for writing artifacts.
This should also contribute to major speedups, as all processing pipelines are now done in parallel.
You can also view a release announcement outlining what technologies were levereaged [in my blog post](https://vitiral.github.io/2018/07/16/artifact-2.0-rust-full-stack-web-and-cli-application.html)