- Fix ``__asdf_traverse__`` for non-tagged objects [`1739 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1739>`_]
- Deprecate ``asdf.testing.helpers.format_tag`` [`1774 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1774>`_]
- Deprecate ``asdf.versioning.AsdfSpec`` [`1774 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1774>`_]
- Deprecate ``asdf.util.filepath_to_url`` use ``pathlib.Path.to_uri`` [`1735 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1735>`_]
- Record package providing manifest for extensions used to write
a file and ``AsdfPackageVersionWarning`` when installed extension/manifest
package does not match that used to write the file [`1758 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1758>`_]
- Fix bug where a dictionary containing a key ``id`` caused
any contained references to fail to resolve [`1716 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1716>`_]
- Issue a ``AsdfManifestURIMismatchWarning`` during write if a used
extension was created from a manifest registered with a uri that
does not match the id in the manifest [`1785 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1785>`_]
- Allow converters to provide types as strings that can
resolve to public classes (even if the class is implemented
in a private module). [`1654 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1654>`_]
- Add options to control saving the base array when saving array views
controlled via ``AsdfConfig.default_array_save_base``,
``AsdfFile.set_array_save_base`` and
``SerializationContext.set_array_save_base`` [`1753 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1753>`_]
- Deprecate ``ignore_implicit_conversion`` and "implicit conversion" [`1724 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1724>`_]
- Add ``lazy_tree`` option to ``asdf.open`` and ``asdf.config``
to allow lazy deserialization of ASDF tagged tree nodes to
custom objects. [`1733 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1733>`_]
- Deprecate ``copy_arrays`` in favor of ``memmap`` [`1797 <https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf/issues/1797>`_]