Released 2024-10-17
New features
* Plotting
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.PatchProperties` for properties of patches, as used for :class:`aspecd.annotation.VerticalSpan` and :class:`aspecd.annotation.HorizontalSpan`.
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.AnnotationProperties` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.AnnotationTextProperties` for properties of text annotations with lines, as used for :class:`aspecd.annotation.TextWithLine`.
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.AxesProperties` has new attributes ``frame_on``, ``xlabelposition``, and ``ylabelposition``.
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.Spines` and :class:`aspecd.plotting.SpineProperties` for controlling spine properties of axes.
* :class:`aspecd.plotting.MarkerProperties` for properties of markers, as used for :class:`aspecd.annotation.Marker`.
* Plot annotations
* :class:`aspecd.annotation.VerticalSpan` for adding vertical spans (rectangles) to plot(ter)s
* :class:`aspecd.annotation.HorizontalSpan` for adding horizontal spans (rectangles) to plot(ter)s
* :class:`aspecd.annotation.TextWithLine` for adding text with additional lines
* :class:`aspecd.annotation.Marker` for adding markers to plot(ter)s
* :class:`aspecd.annotation.FillBetween` for colouring the surface below a curve.
* Analysis
* :class:`aspecd.analysis.PeakFinding` can return both, peak positions and intensities, as pairs, ready to be used in :class:`aspecd.annotation.TextWithLine` annotations.
* :class:`aspecd.analysis.CentreOfMass` for calculating the centre of mass for ND datasets.
* IO
* :class:`aspecd.io.TxtImporter` has an additional parameter ``axis`` specifying which column to use for axis values when reading 2D data. (`6 <https://github.com/tillbiskup/aspecd/issues/6>`_)
* Plotting: Default figure size in :class:`aspecd.plotting.FigureProperties` set to ``None`` to allow setting from matplotlibrc to take effect.
*Without adjustments, this may change the size (and aspect ratio) of your figures from 6x4 inches to 6.4x4.8 inches.*
* CompositePlotter operates on copies of plotters.
* Plot task writes correct filename for each plotter if results is used.
* PlotannotationTask saves properties to recipe history.
* PlotannotationTask can be applied to plotter and stored for later use as result at the same time.
* Text plot annotation with scalar y position set to zero works.