New Features
- ``BaseCoordinateFrame`` now has a ``position_angle()`` method, which is the
same as the ``position_angle`` method of ``SkyCoord`` instances. [15737]
- By default the ``SkyCoord`` and ``BaseCoordinateFrame`` ``separation()``
methods now emit a warning if they have to perform a coordinate transformation
that is not a pure rotation to inform the user that the angular separation can
depend on the direction of the transformation.
It is possible to modify this behaviour with the new optional keyword-only
``origin_mismatch`` argument.
Specifying ``origin_mismatch="ignore"`` allows any transformation to
succeed without warning, which has been the behaviour so far.
``origin_mismatch="error"`` forbids all transformations that are not
pure rotations. [16246]
- Clearer error message in reading ASCII tables when there is
a mismatch between converter type and column type. [15991]
- The module ``astropy.io.typing`` has been added to provide type annotations for
I/O-related functionality. [15916]
- SAMP web profile CORS HTTP server implements `Private Network Access proposal <https://wicg.github.io/private-network-access>`_. [#16193]
- ``Table`` now has a ``setdefault()`` method, analogous to
``dict.setdefault()``. [16188]
- Added a new module ``astropy.units.typing`` that provides support for type annotations related to
``astropy.units``. [15860]
- Added a new CGS unit Oersted. [15962]
- Added "surface brightness", "surface brightness wav", "photon surface brightness", and "photon surface brightness wav" to recognized physical types. [16032]
- Added magnetic helicity as a physical type. [16101]
- For gufuncs on ``Masked`` instances, add support for the ``axes`` argument. [16121]
- ``Masked`` instances now support the various numpy array set operations, such
as ``np.unique`` and ``np.isin``. [16224]
- Added support for slicing WCS objects containing ``cpdis`` or ``det2im`` distortions, which previously were ignored. [16163]
API Changes
- The ``astropy.coordinates.transformations`` module has been refactored into a module.
There should be no user-visible changes, but if you notice any, please open an
Issue. [15895]
- Changed the default value of the ``copy`` argument in
``astropy.coordinates.representation.CylindricalDifferential.__init__`` from
``False`` to ``True``, which is the intended behaviour for all subclasses of
``astropy.coordinates.representation.BaseDifferential``. [16198]
- ``Cosmology`` and its subclasses are now frozen ``dataclass`` objects. [15484]
- The argument ``verbose`` in the function ``z_at_value`` is now keyword-only. [15855]
- The ``io.ascii`` Python and C table readers were updated to use a 64-bit integer field by
default when reading a column of integer numeric data. This changes the default behavior
on Windows and potentially 32-bit architectures. Previously on those platforms, table
columns with any long integers which overflowed the 32-bit integer would be returned
as string columns. The new default behavior is consistent with ``numpy`` v2 and ``pandas``. [16005]
- The parallel fast-reader parser for reading ASCII files has been removed.
Since astropy v4.0.4 requesting this option has issued a warning that
this option is broken and that the serial parser will be used.
The ``parallel`` key in the ``fast_reader`` argument for reading
ASCII tables is no longer available. [16103]
- ``show_in_notebook`` is deprecated and it is recommended to use dedicated
tools in the Jupyter ecosystem to create interactive plots in notebooks. [15905]
- A warning is now emitted when ``Quantity`` values are inserted into empty ``Column`` objects
via ``Table.insert_row`` or ``Table.add_row``. [16038]
- ``show_in_browser`` is deprecated (pending feedback from the community).
Please use https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/16067 if you are
actively using the function. [16068]
- ``TableColumns.setdefault()`` and ``TableColumns.update()`` methods (which
would typically be called as ``Table.columns.setdefault()`` and
``Table.columns.update()``) have been deprecated because they can easily
corrupt the ``Table`` instance the ``TableColumns`` instance is attached to.
The ``Table.setdefault()`` and ``Table.update()`` methods are safe. [16154]
- ``TIME_FORMATS`` and ``TIME_DELTA_FORMATS`` in ``astropy.time.formats``
are changed from ``OrderedDict`` to Python ``dict``. [15491]
- A ``FutureWarning`` is now emitted when mutating ``Time.location`` post-initialization. [16063]
- Following the removal of ``np.ndarray.ptp`` in Numpy v2, ``Time.ptp`` is now
deprecated in favor of ``np.ptp``. [16212]
- If any iterable such as a list of tuple was input to ``Quantity``, a check was
done to see if they contained only quantities, and, if so, the quantities were
concatenated. This makes sense for list and tuple, but is not necessarily
logical for all iterables and indeed was broken for those that do not have a
length (such as ``array_api`` array instances). Hence, the check will now be
done only for values where it makes sense, i.e., instances of list and tuple. [15752]
- Units now exposes ``get_converter`` which returns a function that
will convert a scalar or array from one unit to another. This can be
useful to speed up code that converts many quantities with the same
unit to another one, especially if the quantity has not many elements,
so that the overhead of creating a conversion function is relatively large. [16139]
- Deprecate importing ``ErfaError`` and ``ErfaWarning`` from ``astropy.utils.exceptions``.
They should be imported directly from ``erfa`` instead. [15777]
- ``introspection.isinstancemethod()`` and ``introspection.find_mod_objs()`` are
deprecated. [15934]
- ``astropy.utils.console.terminal_size`` is now deprecated in favour of
``shutil.get_terminal_size`` from the standard library. [16045]
- ``indent()`` is deprecated.
Use ``textwrap.indent()`` from Python standard library instead. [16223]
- Unmasked ``Masked`` scalar instances are now considered hashable, to match the
implicit behaviour of regular arrays, where if an operation leads to a scalar,
a hashable array scalar is returned. [16224]
- Renamed the ``min_cut`` and ``max_cut`` keywords in ``simple_norm`` and
``fits2bitmap`` to ``vmin`` and ``vmax``. The old names are deprecated. [15621]
- If ``vmin == vmax``, the ``ImageNormalize`` class now maps the input
data to 0. If ``vmin > vmax``, the ``ImageNormalize`` class now raises a
``ValueError``. [15622]
Bug Fixes
- Avoid a segfault when calling ``astropy.convolution.convolve`` on an empty array.
An exception is now raised instead. [15840]
- Previously passing a ``SkyCoord`` instance to the ``BaseCoordinateFrame``
``separation()`` or ``separation_3d()`` methods could produce wrong results,
depending on what additional frame attributes were defined on the ``SkyCoord``,
but now ``SkyCoord`` input can be used safely. [15659]
- ``Distance`` now accepts as ``parallax`` any angle-like value.
This includes types like ``Column`` which have a unit but are not ``Quantity`` subclasses. [15712]
- The new default for the class method ``SkyCoord.from_name()``
is to look for coordinates first in SIMBAD, then in NED, and then in VizieR,
instead of having no specific order. [16046]
- Fix ``Angle.to_string()`` for angles in degrees represented in 'hms' and angles in hours represented in 'dms'. [16085]
- Fix a bug where ``SkyCoord.spherical_offsets_by`` would crash when a wrap
was needed. [16241]
- ``search_around_3d()`` now always raises a ``UnitConversionError`` if the units
of the distances in ``coord1`` and ``coord2`` and the unit of ``distlimit`` do
not agree.
Previously the error was not raised if at least one of the coordinates was
empty. [16280]
- Fixed a bug where the attribute ``ParametersAttribute.attr_name`` could be None
instead of a string. [15882]
- Reading of CDS header files with multi-line descriptions where the continued line started with a number was broken. This is now fixed. [15617]
- Ensure that the names of mixin columns are properly propagated as
labels for the MRT format. [15848]
- Fixed reading IPAC tables for ``long`` column type on some platforms, e.g., Windows. [16005]
- Avoid ``WinError 1455`` in opening some large files with memory
mapping on windows. [15388]
- Fix TDISP parsing for floating numbers. [16007]
- Fix a crash when calling FITS ``writeto`` methods with stdout as the output stream. [16008]
- Fix TDISP parsing for floating numbers in formats ES / EN. [16015]
- Fix conversion of ``Table`` to ``BinTableHDU`` with ``character_as_bytes=True``. [16358]
- Improved error message when instantiating a fits table with an ill-formed array. [16363]
- Reading an empty table stored in parquet format now creates an empty
table instead of raising an unexpected error. [16237]
- When reading a VOTable, if some user-requested columns were not present then the
resulting error message previously listed all the requested column names.
Now only columns that are actually missing are shown. [15956]
- Fix a spurious warning when calling ``sigma_clipped_stats`` on a ``MaskedColumn``. [15844]
- Fix a Table bug when setting items (via slice or index list) in a ``bytes`` type
``MaskedColumn`` would cause the column mask to be set to all ``False``. A common way to
trigger this bug was reading a FITS file with masked string data and then sorting the
table. [15669]
- Fix slicing logic for Row.
Previously, slicing a ``astropy.table.row.Row`` object would incorrectly return a column,
now it correctly returns a list of values from that row. [15733]
- Fix a ``ValueError`` raised by ``table.join`` when fed with large tables.
This would typically happen in situations when the result joined table would be
too large to fit in memory. In those situations, the error message is now much more
clearly about the necessary memory size. [15734]
- Fix an unintended exception being raised when attempting to compare two unequal ``Table`` instances. [15845]
- Ensure that if a ``Column`` is initialized with a ``Quantity`` it will use by
default a possible name defined on the quantity's ``.info``. [15848]
- Fix a bug where columns with ``dtype=object`` wouldn't be properly deep-copied using ``copy.deepcopy``. [15871]
- Fix ``hasattr(Table, "iloc")`` raising an exception, preventing use of tables e.g. with scikit-learn. [15913]
- Calling ``Table.group_by`` on an empty table no longer raises an exception. [16093]
- The unit conversion ``convert_unit_to`` with MaskedColumn was
broken as it was storing the old unit in a dictionary attached
to underlying np.ma.MaskedArray. This fixes it by overwriting
the old unit after unit conversion. [16118]
- ``astropy.table.vstack`` will no longer modify the input list even when it
contains non-Table objects like ``astropy.table.Row``. [16130]
- Update old dataTables.js version.
This should not affect the end user. [16315]
- Fix comparing NaN ``Quantity`` with ``TimeDelta`` object. [15830]
- Scalar ``Time`` instances are now hashable if they are not masked, also if one
uses ``Masked`` internally, matching the behaviour prior to astropy 6.0 (and
the current behaviour when masking using ``np.ma.MaskedArray``). [16224]
- Fix rare signature incompatibilities between helper and helped array functions.
Most involve cases where the corresponding numpy function has had its
arguments renamed between numpy versions. Since all those generally changed
the first arguments, which are typically passed as positional arguments,
this should not affect user code.
Affected functions:
- ``numpy.array_str``
- ``numpy.choose``
- ``numpy.convolve``
- ``numpy.correlate``
- ``numpy.histogram``
- ``numpy.histogramdd``
- ``numpy.histogram2d``
- ``numpy.isin``
- ``numpy.inner``
- ``numpy.nanmedian``
- ``numpy.unique``
- ``numpy.matrix_rank``
- ``numpy.unwrap``
- ``numpy.vdot``
- ``numpy.lib.recfunctions.unstructured_to_structured`` [15710]
- Fix an issue with unicode string representations of units shown as
superscripts (like degree) when raised to some power. Like for
LaTeX representations, now the superscript unicode character is
replaced by the literal short name before adding the power. [15755]
- Fix a missing ``Sun`` unit in the list of VOUnits simple_units. [15832]
- Fix an unhelpful ``TypeError`` when attempting truediv, ``lshift`` (``<<``) or ``mul`` (``*``) or ``truediv`` (``/``) with a ``Unit`` for right operand and a numpy array with non-numerical dtype for left operand. [15883]
- Fix write/read roundtrips with empty ``Table`` dumped to ECSV. [15885]
- Fix a bug where LaTeX formatter would return empty strings for unity (1) input. [15923]
- Fix extraneous space in LaTeX repr for ``Quantity`` objects with superscript
units (e.g. angles or temperatures in degree Celsius). [16043]
- Ensure powers of units are consistently as simple as possible. So, an
integer if possible, otherwise a float, or a fraction if the float is
really close to that. This also ensures the hash of a unit is unique
for any given unit (previously, the same power could be represented as
float, int or fraction, which made the hash different). [16058]
- Ensure that ``find_equivalent_units`` only returns actual units, not units
that raised to some power match the requested one. With this fix,
``(u.m**-3).find_equivalent_units()`` properly finds nothing, rather than all
units of length. [16127]
- Using a dimensionless ``Quantity`` as an exponent works anew.
In astropy 6.0.1 an exception was erroneously raised. [16261]
- Fix rare signature incompatibilities between helper and helped array functions.
These typically cover corner cases and should not affect user code.
Some arguments weren't being re-exposed correctly or at all, depending on
numpy's version.
Affected functions:
- ``numpy.broadcast_arrays``
- ``numpy.median``
- ``numpy.quantile``
- ``numpy.empty_like``
- ``numpy.ones_like``
- ``numpy.zeros_like``
- ``numpy.full_like`` [16025]
- Fix a bug where ``astropy.utils.console.Spinner`` would leak newlines for
messages longer than terminal width. [16040]
- Update ``report_diff_values`` so the diff no longer depends on the
console terminal size. [16065]
- Fix support in ``Masked`` for generalized ufuncs with more than a
single core dimension (such as ``erfa.rxp``). [16120]
- ``Masked`` array instances now deal more properly with structured dtypes,
combining field masks to get element masks for generalized ufuncs, and
allowing ``.view()`` any time the mask can be viewed as well. This allows a
larger number of ``erfa`` routines to work with masked data. [16125]
- ``WCSAxes`` will correctly set certain defaults when ``wcs.world_axis_physical_types`` contains ``custom:`` prefixes. [15626]
- Fix an edge case where ``quantity_support`` would produce duplicate tick labels for small data ranges. [15841]
- Fix a bug where ``AngleFormatterLocator`` and ``ScalarFormatterLocator`` wouldn't respect matplotlib.rc's ``axes.unicode_minus`` parameter. [15902]
- Fixed a bug in ``CoordinateHelper.grid`` method to properly handle ``draw_grid=False`` and ``draw_grid=None``,
ensuring grid lines are controlled correctly even when not explicitly called. [15985]
- Updated bundled WCSLIB version to 8.2.2. This update fixes character buffer
overflows in the comment string for the longitude and latitude axes triggered
by some projections in ``wcshdo()``, and also the formatting for generic
coordinate systems. For a full list of changes - see
http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/mcalabre/WCS/CHANGES or
``astropy/cextern/wcslib/CHANGES`` [15795]
- Fixed a bug in ``fit_wcs_from_points`` that does not set the default value of the ``cdelt`` of the returned WCS object. [16027]
- Fixed a bug in ``DistortionLookupTable`` (which implements ``cpdis`` and ``det2im`` projection corrections to a WCS) in which image pixels received an incorrect distortion value, from a location in the lookup table incorrectly offset by about 1 table pixel. [16163]
Other Changes and Additions
- Update minimum supported Python version to 3.10 [15603]
- The minimum required NumPy version is now 1.23 and the minimum required SciPy version is 1.8. [15706]
- Fix loading parser tabs on pyc-only installations.
Fix a bug in the wrappers for the lex and yacc wrappers that are
used for parsing Astropy units so that they work on pyc-only
According to the Python module loading
`flow chart <https://peps.python.org/pep-3147/#flow-chart>`_, when evaluating
``import foo`` and ``foo.py`` is not found, Python then reads ``foo.pyc``.
One can take advantage of this fact to strip source files and leave only Python
bytecode files for deployment inspace-constrained execution environments such
as AWS Lambda. Astropy is now compatible with pyc-only deployments. [16159]
- Change the default value of ``copy`` arguments in public APIs from ``False`` to
``None`` if Numpy 2.0 or newer is installed.
For details, see the "Copy semantics" section on the What's New page for Astropy 6.1 . [16181]
- astropy is now compiled against NumPy 2.0, enabling runtime compatibility
with this new major release. Compatibility with NumPy 1.23 and newer
versions of NumPy 1.x is preserved through this change. [16252]