* :class:`.UserFollowsMangaFeedListOrder`
* Parameter ``add_includes`` to :meth:`.request` to automatically add the reference expansion parameters in as long as the user has the permissions required.
* :data:`.permission_model_mapping`
* Methods that now expand references:
* :meth:`.random_manga`
* :meth:`.Author.fetch`
* :meth:`.Chapter.fetch`
* :meth:`.CoverArt.fetch`
* :meth:`.CustomList.fetch`
* :meth:`.Group.fetch`
* :meth:`.Manga.fetch`
* :meth:`.User.fetch`
* :meth:`.batch_authors`
* :meth:`.batch_chapters`
* :meth:`.batch_covers`
* :meth:`.batch_groups`
* :meth:`.batch_mangas`
* :meth:`.get_authors`
* :meth:`.get_chapters`
* :meth:`.MangadexClient.get_covers`
* :meth:`.get_groups`
* :meth:`.get_mangas`
* :meth:`.ChapterList.get`
* :meth:`.ClientUser.groups`
* :meth:`.ClientUser.lists`
* :meth:`.ClientUser.manga`
* :meth:`.ClientUser.manga_chapters`
* :meth:`.ClientUser.users`
* :meth:`.CustomList.manga_chapters`
* :meth:`.CustomList.fetch` no longer requires authentication if the list is a public list.
* The :attr:`.CoverArt.manga` attribute will be assigned to the manga that owns the cover art, if it is created by :meth:`.Manga.fetch`.
* Parameters ``volume`` and ``chapter_number`` of :meth:`.get_chapters` now accept a list of strings to select multiple volume/chapters.
* :func:`.parse_relationships` will now make objects using the reference expansion data.
* :class:`.VolumeAggregate` will correctly return values for null chapters.
* :class:`.MangaAggregate` will correctly return values for null volumes.
* Fixed an issue where CoverArt instances did not correctly assign attributes.