
Latest version: v7.8.0

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- :meth:`~.SubredditLinkFlairTemplates.reorder` to reorder a subreddit's link flair
- :meth:`~.SubredditRedditorFlairTemplates.reorder` to reorder a subreddit's redditor
flair templates.
- Experimental :meth:`~.Submission._edit_experimental` for adding new inline media or
editing a submission that has inline media.

.. danger::

This method is experimental. It is reliant on undocumented API endpoints and may
result in existing inline media not displaying correctly and/or creating a
malformed body. Use at your own risk. This method may be removed in the future
without warning.

This method is identical to :meth:`.Submission.edit` except for the following:

- The ability to add inline media to existing posts.
- Additional ``preserve_inline_media`` keyword argument to allow Async PRAW to attempt
to preserve the existing inline media when editing a post. This is an experimental
fix for an issue that occurs when editing a post with inline media would cause the
media to lose their inline appearance.

- :func:`.stream_generator` now accepts the ``continue_after_id`` parameter, which
starts the stream after a given item ID.
- Support for new share URL format created from Reddit's mobile apps.
- :class:`.Reddit` has a new configurable parameter, ``window_size``. This tells PRAW
how long reddit's rate limit window is. This defaults to 600 seconds and shouldn't
need to be changed unless reddit changes the size of their rate limit window.


- An issue where submitting a post with media would fail due to an API change.


- Drop support for Python 3.7, which is end-of-life on 2023-06-27.


- XML parsing error when media uploads fail.




- Drop ``asyncio_extras`` dependency, use ``contextlib.asynccontextmanager`` instead.


- An issue with replying to a modmail conversation results in a error.




- :meth:`.delete_mobile_banner` to delete mobile banners.
- :meth:`.upload_mobile_banner` to upload mobile banners.


- An issue with iterating :class:`.ModNote` when a user has more than a hundred notes.
- An issue when uploading media during the submission of a new media post.
- Removal reasons are now returned in the same order as they appear on Reddit.




- Revert :meth:`~.Comment.edit` positional argument deprecation.
- Revert :meth:`~.Submission.edit` positional argument deprecation.


- An issue where :class:`.ModmailConversation`'s ``messages`` attribute would only
contain the latest message.




- :meth:`.pin` to manage pinned submissions on the authenticated user's profile.
- :meth:`.update_display_layout` to update the display layout of posts in a
- :meth:`.SubredditCollectionsModeration.create` keyword argument ``display_layout`` for
specifying a display layout when creating a :class:`.Collection`.
- :attr:`~.Message.parent` to get the parent of a :class:`.Message`.
- :class:`.ModNote` to represent a moderator note.
- :meth:`.ModNote.delete` to delete a single moderator note.
- :class:`.RedditModNotes` to interact with moderator notes from a :class:`.Reddit`
instance. This provides the ability to create and fetch notes for one or more
redditors from one or more subreddits.
- :class:`.RedditorModNotes` to interact with moderator notes from a :class:`.Redditor`
- :meth:`.RedditorModNotes.subreddits` to obtain moderator notes from multiple
subreddits for a single redditor.
- :class:`.SubredditModNotes` to interact with moderator notes from a
:class:`.Subreddit` instance.
- :meth:`.SubredditModNotes.redditors` to obtain moderator notes for multiple redditors
from a single subreddit.
- :meth:`~.BaseModNotes.create` to create a moderator note.
- :attr:`.Redditor.notes` to interact with :class:`.RedditorModNotes`.
- :attr:`.SubredditModeration.notes` to interact with :class:`.SubredditModNotes`.
- :meth:`~.ModNoteMixin.create_note` create a moderator note from a :class:`.Comment` or
- :meth:`~.ModNoteMixin.author_notes` to view the moderator notes for the author of a
:class:`.Comment` or :class:`.Submission`.


- Drop support for Python 3.6, which is end-of-life on 2021-12-23.
- :meth:`.conversations` now returns a :class:`.ListingGenerator` allowing you to page
through more than 100 conversations.


- The ``after`` argument for :meth:`.conversations` will now have to be included in
``params`` keyword argument.
- Positional keyword arguments for applicable functions and methods. Starting with Async
PRAW 8, most functions and methods will no longer support positional arguments. It
will encourage more explicit argument passing, enable arguments to be sorted
alphabetically, and prevent breaking changes when adding new arguments to existing




- Log a warning if a submission's ``comment_sort`` attribute is updated after the
submission has already been fetched and a ``warn_comment_sort`` config setting to turn
off the warning.
- :meth:`.user_selectable` to get available subreddit link flairs.
- Automatic RateLimit handling will support errors with millisecond resolution.
- :class:`.Draft` to represent a submission draft.
- :meth:`.Draft.delete` to delete drafts.
- :meth:`.Draft.submit` to submit drafts.
- :meth:`.Draft.update` to modify drafts.
- :class:`.DraftHelper` to fetch or create drafts on new Reddit.
- :class:`.DraftList` to represent a list of :class:`.Draft` objects.


- Ability to use :class:`.CommentForest` as an asynchronous iterator.
- :meth:`.CommentForest.list` no longer needs to be awaited.
- :attr:`.Submission.comments` no longer needs to be awaited and is now a property.
- The keyword argument ``lazy`` has been replace by ``fetch`` to consolidate the keyword
argument used to explicitly perform a fetch when initializing an object.


- Fixed return value type of methods returning a listing in :class:`.Subreddit` and its
helper classes.
- An import error when using Async PRAW in environments where ``libsqlite3-dev`` is
needed to utilize ``aiosqlite`` package which depends on the ``sqlite3`` builtin.

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