
Latest version: v1.2.0

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* take screenshot again when first failed
* remove useless blockly
* use ATX_CONNECT_URL env to pass connect_url
* add ATX_DEVICE_URL environment
* fix test of report
* change report save image from png to jpg to small report size
* add todo assert image exists
* fix travis
* fix travis
* run test on travis
* change upgrade pip
* test again
* update doc to help with virtualenv
* update error class name
* skip test because of missing opencv
* force test in every push
* move screenshot method into mixin
* comment windows support
* update requirements
* fix last fix
* update facebook wda deps
* ignore remove tmp file error, instead give a warn, close 69
* fix last update, some xiaomi machine fail to run uiautomator
* update atx uiautomator
* disable system encoding check
* update wda version
* update wda requirements
* add dump_view api
* use BytesIO instead of Image.load to make sure delete image file works
* adb install doesn’t accept parameters like ‘adb install -rt some.apk’, but ‘adb install -r -t some.apk’ just works fine. fix NetEaseGame/AutomatorX100 (101)
* fix screenshot error in py3, fix 98
* add python -matx doctor
* fix issue according to
* make cli support py3, close 95
* remove all image_path relative code
* update facebook-wda requirements
* update close 93
* add testerhome ios api link
* update doc
* fix all the python3 needed
* make it support python3
* add attach and activity params to chromedriver
* fix command line pipe error
* add chromedriver extension
* fix install command bad name
* update api doc
* fix report



* remove watcher, add keep_screen to doc
* update facebook wda deps
* add adb shell input method back to atx
* update requirements
* update wiki with encoding, prepare for python3
* support auto find files with pattern: fightauto.png
* update assert_ui_exists code, fix ios display()
* add ios support for assert_ui_exists
* fix session error
* do not add session when start
* add type for iOS support
* fix python -matx minicap install failed, because of minicap binary link gone
* update readme, close 82
* remove duplicate code
* add webdriver screenshot support
* quick horiable fix for android UIAutomator json rpc error
* sync wda code, close 79
* add assert_ui_exists api
* comment record(cmd) because of unstable
* change type error
* try to take screenshot again, when the first screenshot failed
* add screenshot flag
* finish assert support
* add assert_equal into report
* update atx-assistant url



* test push
* remove useless file
* fix quick start link
* also add imageio
* try to fix multi test file name conflict, ref 69
* add swipe to ios, close 68
* fix doc link
* add demo.gif
* update doc, .
* Update discuss group
* add qq group
* add mark_point method
* force use atx-assistant input method for function type
* remove useless files
* update doc again
* move some stuff to wiki
* remove history doc
* fix link again
* fix wiki link
* update readme, create the wiki
* change back of android uiautomator apk file
* fix Client.devices error when adb server restarts
* info添加截图功能
* update offset tests
* add delay param to click_image
* add profession doc about how to catch click_image error, close 60
* fix ios report
* match add rect
* add get top layer name for surfaceflinger-fps program
* add confidence and position for assert_exists, wait add safe=False
* report support asset_exists and click_nowait now
* add bootstrap fonts resouce
* add current_app for android
* add images tab & fix encoding
* fix decode error for log used in click_image
* fix offset bug, add match kwargs to add image operation method
* add atx.ImageCrop
* translate atx_click_image to python
* use local resources
* add match method for click_image
* update atx-assistant version to 1.0.2
* move click_image to save screen crop
* fix install twice android test apk, close 59
* add run/run_step for debug
* update requirements
* rename device folder to drivers, fix ios click image
* handle exception to avoid subprocess in android_hook cannot be killed
* use different scale for different screen size
* fix rotation for swipe
* fix rotation in webpage
* fix rotation (uiautomator use top-left as origin even when screen is rotated)
* fix screen2touch for rotated screen
* fix connect(None) raise error problem, update atx-assistant version to 1.0.1
* add edit-mode in record command
* add save in draft_editor
* create workdir if not exists
* update record command. record for android only
* make atx support facebook-wda report, close 36
* fix exception when passing port=None
* offset use percentage in atx_click_image
* add missing file
* add click/click_image interaction
* fix md type
* add desc args for click_image
* set adb_shell timeout default to 30s
* screencap add support to copy to clipboard, close 56
* add debug script
* fix clear_text error



* little update desc
* add atx assistant
* remove androguard from atx, and put androguard into pypi
* remove port restrict about atx gui
* fix when adb port default not 5037 error
* update drafte editor
* trace uinodes to change it according to it's order
* find ui by node index after modified case.json
* add process_case for modified case.json
* separate draft generate and code generate
* change find_selector priority
* add report test, part
* fix issue 48 screenrecord failure
* update windows install
* update wda deps
* remove useless doc
* little fix
* update documentation for ios
* use webdriveragent to support ios
* use timeout instead of while loop
* using while loop to check for index-uiobject
* analyze uixml to get ui selector
* fix Division Zero bug
* offset use percent and put it into filename like T30L20.png, close 39, close 46
* Update
* update deps
* make uilayout attributes compatible with py-uiautomator
* add swipe & toolbar
* analyze guestures using regexp
* atx report support uiautomator
* short report code, capture screen before run click
* add named dict, update report ext structure
* fix 44
* add issue template
* add tornado web server draft_editor
* add missing images
* add adb 1.0.36 address, close 41
* add input_methods method, close 42
* add keep_screen and free_screen, close 43
* update again
* add design, which are not started
* add toolbar
* add wda doc
* codesign error, ..-_-!!
* -_-! webdriveragent why not stable
* update draft editor web
* add editor first edition
* clear_text add move_end
* format doc
* update readme doc
* update
* add input method detect
* fix report bug
* make ios test more stable
* fix utf7ime install
* add click_image( safe = True), also update report
* little modify
* finish ios install, some ios bug fix
* watch activity on android (lame way..)
* basic events recorder
* union touchups/moves/downs
* add ios documentation
* add timeout for queue post
* fix typo
* fix ios taskqueue, support nowait support
* use unix socket instead of port listen, because ios test can only run on mac
* generate draft from saved record frames
* support iphone6p and iphone5c



* fix all license
* update document
* fix dir
* remove uesless comment
* update license from mit to apache2
* fix taskqueue get timeout
* use task.queue instead of pipe
* finish atx.taskqueue
* refator record using addon-components
* remove & device/, add mixins for adbkit
* update web all use local js source in order to speed up browser load
* update doc
* add command python -matx info
* python -m atx gui add iOS support
* remember last save path for tkgui, close 35
* update opencv of qiniu address
* remove deps
* close 34
* fix rotation, close 33
* add start app support
* little fix
* add timeout
* remove uesless code
* refactoring. record screen + ui-hierarchy + user-input
* change layout for later analyze
* init ios click function
* fix type when wait_response returns None
* update desc
* add ios device for connect
* add ios automation doc
* ios support prepare script
* add gitter-travis integration
* fix spell error
* update doc of report
* add google analytics for report, fix d.serial return None bug, change report js to jsdeliver cdn
* remove useless files again
* remove useless files
* report add two api, info, error
* use flask ext method to extend atx ext
* update but not yet tested, maybe caught something wrong
* fix gt
* click_image support long_click, close 29
* finish part of taskqueue
* update title
* follow to finish taskqueue
* update name
* fix adbkit devices() bug, remove dependency from
* remove useless print
* update doc
* fix forward, add performance collect use tencentGT
* add clean after minicap capture and some other correct
* fix ATX_ADB_HOST not working bug
* add a remote input gui
* add missing file
* update logo
* initialize eventhooks
* add placeholder to avoid memeory leak
* fix keycodes on windows
* remove popo
* add discuss group to readme
* fix 27
* add more functions
* fix agent broken pipe
* ios screenshot add rotate support
* close 22
* add ios screencap support
* add openstf service
* add logo
* update watch function
* update watch document
* add screenshot method to ioskit
* add packages function
* add python -matx version, close 25
* add uninstall command to adbkit, also with lot of comment



* adbkit add minicap support
* update docs
* add screencap to adbkit
* update docs
* add support
* install minitouch along with minicap
* fix connect multi device, display return wrong
* prepare screencap
* remove useless code
* filename now can contains screen size, close 12
* update deps
* add screencap command
* initial adbkit python wrap
* make arg parser beautiful
* fix minicap params on SDK<=16
* fix rotationwatcher startup for SumSung GT-I9268
* add STFService.apk for stf support
* add a lame get_shell function to spare subprocess creation cost
* rename screen window
* add controls to screen command
* add draft
* add blueprint
* fix RotationWatcher.apk file path
* remove useless code again
* remove useless code
* fix PIL import error
* add click_image hook, also finish atx report
* add threshold support
* watch add raise_errors
* add web trigger
* report generate json also
* fix try catch
* add screen/screenrecord commands
* summarize all adb related functions to
* add surfaceflinger which collect fps in a non root way
* release new tag

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