
Latest version: v0.3.2

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* Added: number of rows and columns
to the table preview



* Fixed: inclusion of custom CSS and JS file
of the sphinx extension



* Added: table preview for each table of a dataset
on the datacard
* Added: ``audbcards.Dataset.segments``
which returns the number of unique segments of a dataset
* Added: ``audbcards.Datasets.segment_durations``,
which returns a list of all segment durations
* Added: ``audbcards.Datacard.segment_duration_distribution``
* Changed: don't show media examples
for datasets that store,
on average,
more than 100 files per archive
* Changed: show video examples as video instead of audio
* Changed: depend on ``audeer>=2.2.0``
* Changed: depend on ``audiofile>=1.5.0``



* Added: ``audbcards.config.CACHE_ROOT``
to configure the default cache root
* Added: store the result of ``audb.available()``
in the sphinx extension
to make it reusable
* Added: ``audbcards.Dataset.example_media``
* Added: ``cache_root`` argument to ``audbcards.Datacard``
* Added: support for Python 3.11
* Changed: speedup caching of ``audbcards.Dataset``
* Changed: cache resulting files
of ``audbcards.Datacard.file_duration_distribution()``
and ``audbcards.Datacard.player()``
* Changed: depend on ``audb>=1.7.0``
* Fixed: skip duration distribution plots
for datasets
that only contain files with the same duration
* Fixed: support ``|`` character
in dataset description
* Fixed: remove ``audbcards.Dataset.prop``
from API documentation
* Removed: ``audbcards.Datacard.example_media``,
use ``audbcards.Dataset.example_media`` instead



* Added: initial release,
including the classes
and ``audbcards.Dataset``,
and the ``audbcards.sphinx`` extension

.. _Keep a Changelog:
.. _Semantic Versioning:



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