
Latest version: v0.1.5.7

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Look out for a [pull request](
I forgot that there should be an announcement of the new release in this place.
Sorry, I'm a bit sleepy and it's 3:28 for me.

**New features:**
- Plugins can listen for events. ([`feat: events, plugin can listen now`](
- Error handling. ([`feat: error handling`](
Now, you can make yours error handling by overriding client and their `on_command_error` method.

**Optimization and safety:**
- For some classes, `__slots__` has been fixed.
- PluginManager `bot`, `client`, `commands` attributes now are private. ([`chore(PluginManager): convert bot, client, commands attributes …`](
- Commands being get by ID from now. ([`chore: now commands locating by ID`](

- Option description attribute was required, but now is optional.
- For some classes, `__slots__` has been fixed.
- In `SlashCommand` examples was problem with tabs.
- Package `__version__` and `__version_tuple__` are now is uneditable.

\* psss, bug hunting is very welcome, as suggestions and reviews!

- Static directory has been removed from the project structure.
- `Client` class:
- Added a `return` statement after sending a response to prevent the callback from being used twice.
- Implemented `__slots__` for memory optimization. Note: Implementations inheriting from the base `Client` class will not automatically inherit `__slots__`.
- `InteractionContext` class:
- Fixed an issue where the ephemeral flag was ignored due to an incorrect `if` condition.

- Version tuple.
- New attributes to interaction context: `user`, `member`.
- Integration important message and reform.

Fixes, fixes and fixes

- HOTFIX: Remove import locale in __init__ of l10n module.

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