* Tolerate empty <pvalue>, such as in "smtp.mailfrom=". RFC 5451, via RFC 2045, requires at least one character, but it seems more useful and only a minor violation of the spec to parse out an empty string rather than raising an exception.
--- 0.601 (2013-04-27 04:23))
* When stringifying RFC 5451 property values (pvalue), format them as quoted- strings if they contain spaces or special characters (and are not e-mail addresses). E.g., IPv6 addresses in policy.iprev properties must be double-quoted. * Fix broken references to quoted_string variable in authres.core. AuthenticationResultsHeader._parse_pvalue method. (Closes: LP #1165978) * Fix erroneous reference to ArgumentError exception to refer to ValueError instead. When does the Ruby compatiblity layer for Python come out? * Added additional tests/examples in authres/tests
* Make authres.dkim_b.DKIMAuthenticationResult inherit from authres.core. DKIMAuthenticationResult, not authres.core.AuthenticationResult.