- Added `--checkcal` CLI option to check if calibrations are up to date with an existing NICER OBSID dataset
- Added `--reprocess` CLI option to reprocess an existing NICER OBSID dataset with nicerl2
- Added `--bc` CLI option to toggle the barycenter correction setting with autonicer whether pulling and reducing or reprocessing
- Added `--compress` CLI option to toggle the compression of ufa .evt files again whether pulling and reducing or just reducing
- Added `--inlist` CLI option that accepts the path to a file in csv format with the column `Input` containing the paths to NICER OBSID datasets or mpu7_cl.evt files (This works great with the output log csv files)
- Changed compression from .tar.gz format to just .gz format (decompression of .tar.gz's supported to handle files compressed with pervious versions)
- Tested issues with Astropy v5.1, Astroquery, and HEASARC. Found no issues and supressed warnings.
- Significant additions to testing taking coverage >= 90%
- Resolved dependency vulnerability with CVE-2022-42969