- Parameter `nearest` added to ``, which finds a number of nearest neighbours in one set from the other. `` can now also be used from the command line.
- `pymatgen` and `gemmi` added as options for the backend to `CifReader`.
- Several converter functions now exist in the `io` module to get `PeriodicSet` objects from `ase`, `pymatgen`, `gemmi` or `ccdc`: , `periodicset_from_ase_cifblock`, `periodicset_from_ase_atoms`, `periodicset_from_pymatgen_cifblock`, `periodicset_from_pymatgen_structure`, `periodicset_from_ccdc_entry`, `periodicset_from_ccdc_crystal`, and `periodicset_from_gemmi_block`. The functions involving `ccdc` no longer depend on `ase`.
- Read option ``molecular_centres`` now yields `PeriodicSet` objects whose motif consists of the molecular centres, instead of adding an attribute ``.molecular_centres`` containing the centres. The original motif is no longer kept.
- Removed `.entry()` and `.family()` from `CSDReader`, instead new `CSDReader` objects should be made each time.