Fixed - `AWSAPI.assume_role` did not extract command output correctly (reported by osego in 48) - Output was not handled correctly on Windows platform (fixed by johanna-II in 38) - `AWSAPI.execute` raises an exception on non-zero status code
Added - Python 3.12 and 3.13 support
Added - `awscliv2` can be used as a Python module - `awsv2 --configure` can set `region`
Fixed - Indentation is no longer trimmed in a blocking command run output
Fixed - `awsv2 --install` error on ARM machines (fixed by alvdavi in 16)
Fixed - Zero return code of detached `aws` command was not handled properly
Added - New detached `aws` process executor - `awscliv2 configure` interative mode is supported
Fixed - Incorrect output for interactive `aws` commands - Format for `awscli2 configure sso` command output (reported by DavidMarkMadison in 14)