A huge step closer to release 1. Some minor functionalities still need fixing. May May be the release month!
New features
* Brandnew UI! The pySimpleGui was great during the beginning of the project. As we mature, we switched to QT5, which
looks really great.
* No need to remember technical field names! Yeah!
* All settings to customize a test run execution are now nicely arranged in the details screen
* Katalon-Importer added a few usability changes (e.g. when you save, you'll see this TestRun selected as default).
* Browsers, Selenium Grid, etc. can be selected via Dropdown-Menu
* Common BrowserAttributes (e.g. Headless) can be selected via Droddown-Menu
* SimpleFormat: New command ``iban`` will create a random IBAN. Powered by Schwifty library.
* SimpleFormat: New command ``pdfcompare`` compares a downloaded PDF-File with a reference PDF-File and
reports differences. Works also well with parallel sessions.
* All: Variable replacement using Faker module. For instance ``$(FAKER.email)`` will generate a random E-Mail address
* All: New flag to export all fields of TestDataDict to result file: ``TC.ExportAllFields`` = ``True``
* All: Web-Testcases: Screenshots automatically embedded to result file, not only as a link. Makes it easier to share results
on a communication channel.
* All: Support of Proxies and rotating Proxies (``TC.UseRotatingProxies`` and ``TC.ReReadProxies``)
* All: Support of restarting browser-sessions after each TestCase execution (``TC.RestartBrowser`` = ``True``)
* All: CL.* in Globals-File to overwrite standard classes (e.g. BrowserDriver) to custom classes.
* Appium integration for Android and iOS App tests using Appium Webdriver (see in /examples/App* and globalsApp.json)
* Subclassing: New commands to identify stale objects on page (HTML-Reload and SPA-Support)
* Additional way to export data to Excel-Result (can be used for results of scraping) GC.EXPORT_ADDITIONAL_DATA in
TestRun.additionalExportTabs. For each Tab you want created set up one dict with {<tabname>:<ExportDictContent>}.
Headers = Fieldnames.
* New flag to export all fields of TestDataDict to result file: ``TC.ExportAllFields`` = ``True``
* Web-Testcases: Screenshots automatically embedded to result file, not only as a link. Makes it easier to share results
on a communication channel.
* Windows Installer: baangt now works without admin rights on Windows10
* Support of Proxies and rotating Proxies (``TC.UseRotatingProxies`` and ``TC.ReReadProxies``)
* Support of restarting browser-sessions after each TestCase execution (``TC.RestartBrowser`` = ``True``)
* Subclassing: Additional way to export data to Excel-Result (can be used for results of scraping) GC.EXPORT_ADDITIONAL_DATA in
TestRun.additionalExportTabs create one dict with <tabname>:<ExportDictContent>. Headers = Fieldnames.
* Improved browserDriver Download for executables (didn't work in some cases)
* Improved database logging of testrun results
* Dramatically improved speed for reading larger Input files (got rid of Pandas for XLSX-Import)
* Improved ease of subclassing for TestStepMaster.
* Improved reaction to common errors on Webpages (Stale element, not accessable, etc.)
* Improved handling of closed windows and tabs (when e.g. PDF-Download was activated)
* Support to supply webelement in driver.javaScript() as ``*args``
* Added many unit tests, but still not full coverage