bam2x subcommand is ready for most program. and final xplib and bam2x version.
the update xplib will be in xplib branch.
the update bam2x will be in bam2x branch.
usage: bam2x [-h] [-v]
positional arguments:
subcommand help
read read bed or bam files.
cmpgene cmp region with gene set(bed12 format)
bam2fig draw reads distribution on chromosomes into pdf file
getanno get [utr,exon,intron] annotations from bed12 file
query_bam query bam file
getseq get sequence from twobit genome file
isoforms detect isoforms.
bam2peak bam2peak , call exon peaks and link exons
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit