------------------------------ - [pytest]: - add ini/settings file in root - hide logs for caught Raises (like in Try sent) - [Annots] add AnnotsLastAux =separate last/all nesting parents annotations +add Enum_AnnotsDepthAllOrLast - [DictAux] separate to Base/DictAuxInline/Copy +add walk in keys_rename__by_func
------------------------------ - [TP.gui.tm] add YellowColor on Startup/Teardown Cls - [Nest] create Nest_EqCls and apply in TC instead of middleGroup!
------------------------------ - [lambdas/Threads] move all into callables +some ref
------------------------------ - [alerts] ref to use deque+fix tlgrm +add Qtimer - [mt] ref TimeSeries +move into nympyAux - [nest] add NestCall_MethodName - [lambda] ref to keep Result/Exx in object - [Lambda] add Lambdalist +nest in threadItem - [flake8] add exclude Deprecated+hidden dirs - [serial] ref addresses_dump__answers quick threading
------------------------------ - [Enum_*] zero rename all - [Nest] separate NestBool_False/True