* AllUrlsValid now takes custom messages and an invalid_urls list
* New ValidUrl validator for a single URL (takes the same parameters)
* New StylesheetField for CSS
* New FormField for fieldsets
* New UserSelectField and UserSelectMultiField for Lastuser autocomplete
* Revamped forms.html and autoform generator
* ValidEmailDomain validator is now ValidEmail and does syntax checks
* New NoObfuscatedEmail validator looks for obfuscated emails
* New FormGenerator constructs forms from field definitions
* New CoordinatesField renders a map marker drag widget, falling back to lat/lon text fields
* Codemirror is now an external dependency installed via Makefile
* New RadioMatrixField for a table of fields and choices
* New InlineListWidget to list radio options inline
* Added ParsleyJS validation and reorganized forms to be more modular
* Added app-global CSRF protection (optional) and removed Mustache dependency
* Added ``firstline`` filter to extract first line of text from a HTML block
* ``OptionalIf`` and ``OptionalIfNot`` validators
* Added new networkbar for use in Hasjob and Funnel
* Replace ``csrf_form`` in template context with ``csrf_token``, regardless of whether
global CSRF is enabled
* Optional support for Flask-DebugToolbar and LineProfiler extension
* SelectField now supports optgroup grouping
* Comparison validators to complement ``EqualTo`` with ``>``, ``>=``, ``<``, ``<=``, ``!=``
* DateTimeField's timezone parameter now defaults to user timezone, not UTC
* New form filters to replace the (overloaded) use of validators to filter