Added Google Cloud Storage fetch handler for handling `gs://` URLs in _fetch.txt_.
Note that this is a soft dependency and you must install the [gcloud CLI]( on the system where you will be running
`bdbag` in order for this handler to function.
Enabling "requester pays":
This handler supports the _requester pays_ usage pattern by allowing the billable `project_id` to be specified in the `auth_params` object for
a corresponding `keychain.json` entry for a matching `gs://` URI pattern.
For example, to configure (and allow) _requester pays_ for a GS bucket, you would add a `keychain.json` entry similar
to the following:
"uri": "gs://gcs-bdbag-integration-testing/",
"auth_type": "gcs-credentials",
"auth_params": {
"project_id": "bdbag-204999",
"allow_requester_pays": true
You can also explicitly disallow _requester pays_ at the client-side in the following ways:
* Set `allow_requester_pays` to `false`
* Omit the `allow_requester_pays` field.
* Omit the `project_id` field.
* Omit the `auth_params` object entirely.
Note that if you do any of the above, data retrieval requests to buckets which have _requester pays_ enabled will fail.
The use case for this configuration option is to ensure that you __don't__ pay for requests when _requester pays_
is disabled on the bucket. Per the following GCS [documentation](
Important: Buckets that have Requester Pays disabled still accept requests that include a billing project,
and charges are applied to the billing project supplied in the request.
Consider any billing implications prior to including a billing project in all of your requests.
At the time of this writing, when using `gcloud-CLI` from `Google Cloud SDK 416.0.0` and previous, it is
possible to still be billed for bucket usage _even if_ you've disallowed _requester pays_ for a given bucket in
`keychain.json`. This is because the `gcloud init` process requires that you specify a default `project_id` and this
project id is subsequently stored in the `application_default_credentials.json` file used by the GCS APIs
(which the `bdbag` fetch handler uses) as `quota_project_id`. If this value is present it will be passed on all GCS API
calls as a fallback regardless even if explicitly not passed to the API call.
This can be worked around by removing the `quota_project_id` from `application_default_credentials.json`.
Using service account credentials:
It is also possible to specify a `service_account_credentials_file` which is a file path referencing a service account
credentials JSON file provided by Google Cloud Storage. For example:
"uri": "gs://bdbag-dev/",
"auth_type": "gcs-credentials",
"auth_params": {
"project_id": "bdbag-204400",
"service_account_credentials_file": "/home/bdbag/bdbag-204400-41babdd46e24.json"