
Latest version: v0.5.0

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List all tags to verify the tag was created
git tag -l

9. Push the tag to the remote repository. This will trigger the CI tests, and
build and publish the package to ``.
git push --tags

10. Head to GitHub Actions page (, locate the workflow run ("Publish to PyPI 🐍") triggered for the new release tag and approve its execution. When the workflow finishes, the library should be available at

11. Head to and update the release
with the CHANGELOG for the released version.

12. Switch to `devel` branch and merge the release (to make sure `devel` is always on top of `main`). If you didn't make any changes to `main`, this will do nothing.
git checkout devel
git merge main

13. Change the version in `bdikit/` appending `.dev0` to the future version, e.g. `2.1.0.dev0`. Add a new empty version on top of ``, e.g. `2.1.0.dev0 (yyyy-mm-dd)`.

14. Commit with message `Bump version for development`.
git add bdikit/
git commit -m "Bump version for development"
git push

Change Log






We are pleased to announce the release of bdikit version 0.5.0.
This version includes some new features, such as [Magneto](
as a schema matching method, and streamlines the integration of new algorithms and standards.

Below is a list of the main changes included in this release:

- feat: Restructure packages to add new algorithms easier (87)
- feat: Streamline the addition of new standards (88)
- feat: Add Magneto (94)
- chore: Update the download and upload artifact in Github actions (95)
- chore: Add an extra dependency to enable `flair` to load embeddings
- test: Add tests for more value matching methods



We are pleased to announce the release of bdikit version 0.4.0.
This version includes some new features and breaking changes,
including a change in the minimum Python version supported (3.9)
and support to search top-k best-value matches for a given pair
of table attributes.

Below is a list of the main changes included in this release:

- chore: Update instructions
- fix: Check whether the values are numeric
- fix: Add supported versions of Python
- chore: remove bdi-viz (84)
- feat: Support for top-k value matches
- chore: ensure nltk version is >=3.9.1 to fix a security issue
- chore: Remove unnecessary transitive dependency: conllu<5.0.0
- chore: Fix syntax highlighting in docs
- docs: Add documentation for value-matching methods
- fix: Address preview_domain() issue when there are no sample values (92)


Not secure

Below is a detailed list of important changes included in this release.

New Features and Improvements:
- feat: Consistently use np.nan for missing values
- feat: Add view_value_matches() method
- feat: Add new schema matcher based on value matching
- feat: Support passing method arguments to top_matches()
- feat: Support euclidean distance in CLTopkColumnMatcher

- docs: Add documentation for schema mapping methods
- docs: Add example for view_value_matches() method


Not secure

We are pleased to announce the release of bdikit version 0.2.0.
This version includes several new features, including a new API,
a new column-matching model based on contrastive learning,
several new matching algorithm implementations, new visualizations
to help with column-matching, and a new website with our API
documentation at Additionally,
we added lots of improvements to our development infrastructure,
including several unit tests, automated tests in our CI (continuous
integration) server, and automated release publication to PyPI.

Below is a detailed list of important changes included in this release.

New Features and Improvements:
- feat: Add automatic model download (34)
- feat: Adding AutoFuzzyJoin Algorithm for value mapping
- test: Add tests to TFIDF and EditDistance-based value matching
- feat: Format output text for unmatched values
- feat: Adding TwoPhase ColumnMatch algorithm based on CTLearning
- feat: Change column matching API to be stateless
- feat(api): Add new function bdi.match_columns()
- feat(api): Add new function bdi.top_matches()
- feat(api): Added bdi.materialize_mapping() and basic value mappers
- feat(api): add match_values() and preview_value_mappings()
- test(api): Add end-to-end API integration test
- feat(api): Add bdi.preview_domains()
- feat(api): Support an object as a method in match_columns()
- feat(api): Make API inputs more compatible
- feat: Change default algorithm for column mapping
- feat: Make EditAlgorithm to return values between 0 and 1
- feat: Release new constrastive learning model 'bdi-cl-v0.2' and make it default
- feat: Create a mapper from the output of preview_value_mappings
- feat: fit schema matching visualization tool to the new API
- feat: Update preview_domain() to include value names and descriptions (68)
- feat: Allow configuring device (gpu/cpu) via env vars
- feat: Allow sending arguments for the matching algorithms (75)
- feat: Adding embedding cache for gdc case (76)

- Setup CI infrastructure for automated tests
- Add Python 3.11 to CI build script
- Setup GH action to check code format using black formatter
- Automatic code formatting using black
- Add 'format' and 'lint' targets to the Makefile
- infra: Add linter (pyright) config file
- feat: Setup PyPI release using GitHub Actions
- chore: Remove modules, transformation, data_ingestion, mapping_recommendation
- chore: Remove scope_reducing module
- chore: Remove empty module directories

Bug Fixes:
- Fix to read version correctly
- Temporarily use scipy<1.13 to avoid import error of triu package
- Temporarily use matplotlib<3.9 to avoid PolyFuzz error
- Fix conflicts and relax dependency versions
- TFIDFAlgorithm doesn't work for short values (57)
- do not allow panel version 1.4.3 (fixes issue 40)
- Support repeated source columns in match_values()

- Add accept and reject button and interaction (39)
- Remove plot_reduce_scope from APIManager's reduce_scope
- Add ScopeReducerExplorer to column_and_value_mapping notebook
- Remove tabulate
- Use display() to show the visualization

- Refactoring of column mappers to remove code duplication
- Moving model_name,top_k to construtor parameters for better class reuse
- Extract TopkColumnMatcher from ContrastiveLearningAPI
- Rename match_columns() to match_schema() (66)
- Renamed value matcher classes to use suffix 'ValueMatcher'
- Merge preview_value_mappings() and match_values()
- Make match_values() return a list of DataFrames
- Reorder API functions
- Rename update_mappings() to merge_mappings()
- Rename variables for better API naming consistency

- Add readthedocs configurations
- Update installation instructions
- Add API Reference documentation page for bdikit module functions
- Fix API documentation
- Updated with code formatting instructions
- Rename notebook to doc_gdc_harmonization.ipynb
- Fix heading levels in getting-started.ipynb
- Fix typos and minor improvement in getting-started.ipynb
- Reorganize examples directory for documentation (71)
- Minor formatting changes
- Improve API documentation and fix typos
- Improve documentation and minor typos
- Clarify description of MappingSpecLike

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