* Changed core implementation to use **concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor** for parallel executions, avoiding crashes when a test scenario fails. `Issue 114 <https://github.com/hrcorval/behavex/issues/114>`_
* Added information popup in HTML report, containing parallel execution settings and execution times (start time, end time, total time and scenarios duration).
* Displayed "Untested" scenarios in the HTML report.
* Updated progress bar to create a new line after completion.
* Included ENVIRONMENT_DETAILS environment variable to enable users to provide environment information in JSON and HTML reports.
* Fixed HTML report generation issue when running in parallel and a scenario crashed, causing BehaveX to hang.
* Updated JUnit reports to mark unexpectedly crashed scenarios as "failed" instead of "skipped".
* Corrected parallel execution summary to report the number of skipped scenarios accurately.
* Fixed progress bar issue when running tests in parallel by feature.
* Fixed issue when processing scenario tags, to always consider the tags associated with the scenario outline examples.
* Contributions from `Zoran Lazarevic <https://github.com/lazareviczoran>`__, `Simon Sawert <https://github.com/bombsimon>`__, `Jonathan Bridger <https://github.com/jbridger>`__ for reporting and providing a solution to `Issue #114 <https://github.com/hrcorval/behavex/issues/114>`_. This is a significant improvement for this framework (Thanks!!)