What's Changed
* Bump numpy from 1.21.5 to 1.22.0 in /devtools by dependabot in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/210
* updated setup.py to create pypi packages, updated README.md to install besca from pypi by yannik-benndorf in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/209
* modified setup.py by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/212
* Fix for 166 / refactored subset_data function by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/214
* Add pytest to environment.yml by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/211
* fixed typo / resolve 187 by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/213
* Added width/height to plotting functions by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/216
* GitHub action to deploy besca to PyPI on new release by yannik-benndorf in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/220
* Update _celltype_quantification.py by hatjek in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/198
* Besca issue3 by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/221
* replaced bc.st.regress_out with sc.pp.scale by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/222
* 185 bcplupdate qualitative palette is not working proprely by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/224
* 197 the r code in function valoutlier needs modification by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/225
* 167 added a replace after reading in metadata.tsv by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/227
* Bump mistune from 0.8.4 to 2.0.3 in /devtools by dependabot in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/231
* Added check for var_names in citeseq part of sw fixing 149 by swalpe in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/230
* fix bug in bc.pl.dot_heatmap_split by yannik-benndorf in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/233
* Updated Python version by yannik-benndorf in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/235
* Bump nbconvert from 6.4.2 to 6.5.1 in /devtools by dependabot in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/236
* Bug Fix: in commit f6c914a, regress_out was removed and only scaling … by Accio in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/234
* Removed double space in Neutro signature (between FCGR3B and CXCR2) by llumdi in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/232
* Critical Bug fix: in highly_variable_genes by Accio in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/238
* Fix for issue 159 by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/239
* 240 using random anndata to run test by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/241
* 12 import functions currently do not check for correct standard formatting by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/237
* Fix for issue 100 by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/242
* Changed author in setup.py by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/244
* updated environment.lock.yml by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/245
* 217 omit or replace r functions by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/243
* Fix for issue 176 by paulgeser in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/246
* 2.5 dev by kohleman in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/247
* Update standard_workflow_besca2.ipynb by swalpe in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/248
* Modified mtx read function as fix 167 introduced a bug by swalpe in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/249
* Std workflow 2.5 by hatjek in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/250
New Contributors
* yannik-benndorf made their first contribution in https://github.com/bedapub/besca/pull/209
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/bedapub/besca/compare/2.4.6...2.5