Highlights: - 184 Python 3 source compatibility - 193 test with numpy 1.9 - 176 Failing type return on masked array on LHS - 195 197 Replace vectorize with list comprehension in ArrayStack.**deepcopy**
Highlights: - 151 NumPy 1.10+1.11 fixes - 173 Np slice stack deepcopy - 177 Namespace tidy - 183 Re-add ArrayContainer to public API - 181 Add functionality to create a lazy masked array where equal to a given value
Highlights: - Add support for all NumPy ufuncs and a few more besides (153). - Add __r*__ operators (155). - Fix indexing of broadcast dimension (156). - Fix ArrayStack for Fortran-order arrays (159). - Fix indexing of unary operations (162). - Fix the handling of masked arrays for unary operations (167). - Fix the ability to use binary operators on two different bit-length data types (165). - Mimic NumPy's special type-promotion behaviour when dealing with Python floats & ints (169).
Highlights: - A fix for the `__getitem__` for `LinearMosaic` that corrects array slicing output (147). - Biggus' `__div__` method properly accounts for the dtype of arguments passed to it (149). - Added support for Python 3.5 (150).
Highlights: - Fix to ndarray indexing on LinearMosaic (144) - Support for dtype promotion on elementwise operations (145) - Addition of `__orthogonal_indexing__` protocol (142) - Addition of the astype array method and associated AsDataTypeArray object (141) - Improved str and repr representations of arrays (139)
Highlights: - `biggus.multiply()`, `biggus.floor_divide()`, `biggus.true_divide()`, and `biggus.power()` - Operator support for `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `//`, and `**`. - Improved broadcasting.